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MICHAELS POV [5.11.15]


"Stop telling Luke I called him a fag. Sometimes you're so annoying!" I huffed and continued eating my pizza.

Max and I have been hanging out a lot recently. Sure he can be a dick but he's pretty chill. Plus he gives me good weed.

"What do you like him or something?" he rolled his eyes and grabbed another slice.

"Well I don't hate him. Plus I have nothing against gays, I mean I am gay." Max didn't even look surprised when I said that. He nodded his head and continued to chew.

"I noticed. You're pretty gay dude." he said with his mouth full.

I looked at his disgusted, some people have no manners. "What if I liked him? I mean you can't deny he's ugly." I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, I was hoping he wouldn't judge me right now and just be a bro.

"Dude, I'd fuck him any day." he grinned and winked at me.

"Bro, are you gay too?" I furrowed my eyebrows and my brain was about to explode.

"Nah, No homo." he lifted his leg and pointed to his socks "I've got my elites on. Its never homo if you've got these on." He put his leg down and took a sip of his coke.

I looked at the black haired boy in confusion.

"You're the biggest fuckboy I've ever met." I rolled my eyes and finished my pizza.


"Look who it is, fucking Hemmings." I heard Max chuckle. Luke looked so small and terrified while looking between Max, Sam, and I. I felt bad for him since I've noticed he hasn't been speaking to anyone really and spending all his time in the library.

"You know Luke, I liked you better when you had a vagina. What happened to the skirts and shit, pumpkin?" Max looked Luke straight in the eye with a smirk. I rolled my eyes but just watched

"I- u-uhm. I never had a a v-vagina." Luke said looking down at some book he had on his desk. The library was empty considering the librarians had lunch at this time and so did most students.

"Come on Lukey. Look at you now, so masculine. That's not like you, is it?" Max continued. It was kinda getting to a point and I was annoyed by now. Does Max actually like Luke or is he just playing him? Since yesterday I can't tell if he was lying or not.

"You've looked really tired lately, have you also not been wearing make-up? Luke, what happened ?" He sounded sincere and I was getting angry. Not that I like Luke, because honestly I don't know. But Luke seems, special and I don't want others talking to him !

I sighed and began walking off since I didn't want to hear anymore. The situation was awkward and I had no idea what to think of it. Max constantly makes fun of him but than is being nice and flirty, if you can even consider it that.

I entered the cafeteria and searched for Calum since I knew he'd know what's up. After five minutes of looking around the whole cafe I watch him and Ashton enter and I roll my eyes. I jog over to them as they get in line for lunch

"Calum." Calum turned to face me and looked slightly shocked.

"What do you want?"

"Well it's kinda a long- well no. I've just been worried- no. Not worried. I just want to know what's wrong with uhm, Luke. He's been like- Not that I've been watching him! I've just observed he's been.. different." I cursed at myself for not being able to speak properly.

"Yeah. You probably have to ask him about that." He sighed and turned back round waiting in line.

I poked calums arm- and yes it was muscular- trying to get his attention.

"Honestly Michael I'm not sure what's wrong with Luke, we haven't talked in a while and has just been really distant. I'm just giving him his space." He rolled his eyes and grabbed a tray of food.

With that I nodded and walked away not really knowing where to go. Max and Sam have not arrived yet and being honest I haven't talked to my old friends in a while. I walked out of the cafeteria walking over to where Luke was in the library.

I saw the blonde sitting alone looking at a piece of paper. I smiled a little watching the younger boy fiddle with the paper and looked so innocent. Luke really was like a small puppy with his oversized black sweater and black jeans.

I walked over to the tables and sat beside him and he looked up from his book to face me. His eyes widened slightly and he grabbed the sheet of paper and stuffed it in his bag.

"Hey." I said smoothly trying not to seem nervous. He just stared at me kind of in shock.

"H-hi?" he said more as a question.

"What's up?" I suck at trying to make conversation.

"Uhm" he looked around the library "why are you taking to me?" he said in nearly a whisper.

"Well you see Luke-" and the bell went off. Luke quickly got up from his seat and grabbed his books rushing out of the library.

"Fucking hell." I sat at the small table with my face in my hands.

"What's up mate?" I felt hands on my shoulders and I groaned facing Max.

"Why are you messing with Luke? It's getting on my nerves."

"Ha. Oh Michael, you know Luke isn't anything special. Don't you think he's beautiful ? I sure do. I don't know what I'm going to do with the little Twink, but I'll figure it out." He said with a devilish smile. I had no idea what any of what he was saying meant but it was making me angry. It wasn't right to play with his feelings!

"Max please." I practically whined, "don't hurt him!" I begged.

"Don't you dare tell me you have a fucking crush on him." Shit. I'm not even sure how I feel about the blonde but I know I don't have a crush. I just think he's super cute and sweet.

"I don't." I sighed

"Mr.Clifford and Mr.Kyles get to class!" I turned to see Mrs.Flower, which work at the front desk, yell at us. I rolled my eyes and got up walking away from Max to my locker.

After grabbing my books I walked out of the school, I knew I'd get in trouble later but right now I didn't care.


HA! I suck at endings.

This reached 1K read,, woo! It has more than my other book wHICH ANNOYS ME SINCE I LIKE IT MORE. oops??

((Hi Brianna))

okay good bye I love you:-)


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