Chapter 4

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Everyone in the hall was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the headmaster so that the sorting ceremony could finally take place.

Everyone was already gathered at the teachers' table except for the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall, who would later bring in the first years.

Warily, Severus Snape let his eyes wander to his new colleague, who was surrounded by the female members of the staff and clearly enjoying the attention. Gilderoy Lockhart, an actor beyond compare, had actually landed the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Severus grew more angry the more he thought about it. Ever since he had been a professor at the school, he had tried to convince Dumbledore that he himself was the most suitable man for the position. Vain.

Of course, Severus didn't show his anger for a second, he had himself under control, had meanwhile learned to lock his feelings behind a thick wall and to protect the image of the strict professor to the outside world. A very useful trait, he found himself.

When the door to the great hall swung open, the students suddenly fell silent and all eyes moved to Dumbledore, who entered the great hall. Slightly surprised, Severus noted that he wasn't alone. A woman, carrying the Sorting Hat, followed the Headmaster down the hall.

Was that Professor McGonagall's much-heralded niece? The woman walking behind Dumbledore didn't seem to have anything in common with the slightly bitter looking witch that was her aunt. Her long hair, shimmering golden in the candlelight, fell loose down her back. She had a really pretty face, but what fascinated him the most were her eyes. Bright blue eyes with a piercing almost feline gaze.


The word roughly tore him out of his thoughts. For a brief moment he had surrendered to the apparition, had lost control of his thoughts and had been distracted by her beauty. That must not happen again. He averted his gaze from her, now watching the students, who looked after the new teacher and whispered. Disgusting how they all sat there and almost started drooling only because an obviously pretty woman was walking by.

His gaze slowly slid back to his new colleague Lockhart, who of course hadn't missed the arrival of McGonagall's niece either. Like a true gentleman, Lockhart immediately got up and went to greet her first.


All eyes were on Lysanna, she felt it and admittedly hadn't expected anything else, even if she definitely would have preferred a somewhat quieter appearance. She was glad when she was able to put the Sorting Hat down on the pedestal and Dumbledore then wanted to lead her to her place at the teacher's table. Before Dumbledore could even reach out his hand to guide her to her seat, however, someone else had risen from the teachers' table and took over Dumbledore's plan with ebullient enthusiasm.

Of course, Lysanna knew the man, who didn't know Gilderoy Lockhart?! He really took every chance to offer his audience a show. Lysanna had already heard a lot about him, not necessarily positive things, but she had to hide that for a moment, willy-nilly.

Lockhart bowed theatrically, almost getting down on his knees in front of her as he gallantly kissed her hand.

"Welcome Miss.." he greeted her.

"..McGonagall. Lysanna McGonagall," Lysanna replied politely, but with an undertone meant to convey her disregard for this exaggerated posturing.

"I'm sure you know me, Gilderoy Lockhart. I'm delighted to meet you. I'm sure we'll both have a good start," Lockhart continued, addressing the students more than Lysanna and pulling her a little closer. Lysanna sensed what he was trying to achieve and for some reason the students immediately jumped at it when he presented them both as the new teacher's dream couple. Care was definitely needed with him, but for the moment there was little she could do about this extremely awkward situation.

"Ancient Runes" a Severus Snape ff - Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now