Chapter 30

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It took a few minutes for Lysanna to regain her consciousness. The sadness and pain she had just felt had overwhelmed her. She knew it hadn't been her own feelings and when she lifted her head from the cold stone floor and blinked open her eyes, her breath caught in her throat. Never had she seen Severus so broken as he was at that moment. Sobbing and crying, he crouched on the floor, a mere shadow of himself. He had turned away from her, but it was obvious that it had taken all his strength to show her these memories. He had shown them to her because she was important to him. This second, not entirely insignificant, realisation came to Lysanna only now. He hadn't just done all of this for nothing. He had wanted to convince her that he wasn't a bad person. Because she meant something to him. Lysanna knew immediately that she was probably the only person besides himself who knew all this. He had shown her because he loved her.

She approached him cautiously, but even as she knelt down beside him, he didn't seem to notice her. Her tears were still running down her cheeks, but she didn't care at that moment. Tenderly she laid her hand on his shoulder, she wanted to be there for him, wanted to show him that he was not alone. Severus flinched, turning away from her slightly as if to prevent her seeing him that way. A more than useless attempt. For a moment Lysanna's hand just rested on his shoulder and she actually got the impression that he was beginning to calm down. Lysanna grew calmer too. She enjoyed the closeness that just felt right, enjoyed the warmth that slowly returned to her body. Carefully she slid closer to Severus, rested her head on his shoulder and grabbed one of his hands, which he was using to support himself on his legs. His fingers immediately returned the grip, and for a moment Lysanna thought he might actually crush her hand.

She was here. He could feel her closeness, her warmth, her tenderness. He could smell her scent, feel her hair tickling his cheek. She understood. Slowly, Severus calmed down, very slowly, but eventually he even managed to look at Lysanna. He looked into the blue eyes reddened with tears, but he was looking into a smiling face. A sad smile, but it was by far the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. He still held her hand tightly, but, now noticing how tightly he was in fact squeezing her, he carefully relaxed his grip. He didn't mean to hurt her. She seemed so fragile, so vulnerable. He had already caused her too much needless suffering. For a moment they just looked at each other in silence.

Lysanna lost herself in the dark eyes. Their faces were only a few inches apart and for a brief moment Lysanna thought Severus was finally going to kiss her. Instead, however, he pulled her into a tight hug, buried his face in her hair and held her tightly. His deep breaths made it clear how much he needed this closeness right now. Lysanna returned his touch, tenderly snuggled up to him. There was so much emotion in that simple hug that Lysanna was almost glad he hadn't just kissed her. That hug held so much more emotion than a kiss would ever be able to express. He was showing her his most vulnerable side, revealing with this hug how much he needed her, how much she meant to him. That he loved her. Lysanna was overwhelmed with emotions. They were so close, her head rested on his shoulder, she could feel his breath, his warmth. A happy smile inevitably crept onto Lysanna's face.

He finally had what he'd been longing for all along. Never before had they been so close, never before had a touch felt as right as in this moment. He hadn't thought about it, had just listened to his heart for perhaps the first time ever and now he was sitting there and held this gorgeous woman in his arms. He really never wanted to let go of her ever again. Lysanna's breathing had settled down by now. Almost relaxed, her head was resting on his shoulder as he buried his face in her soft golden hair and drank in her charming scent. Overwhelmed with happiness, he kissed her head tenderly. He carefully removed his hands from her body, only to pull her a little closer a few moments later. One of his hands rested on the back of her head while he gently caressed her hair aside with the other to finally be able to see her beautiful face. Lysanna's eyes were closed and her lips were graced with a satisfied smile. That moment was just too good to be true.

She just gave in to his touch. He handled her very gently, tenderly, as if he would be afraid of hurting her. There was so much love in his touch, never before had Lysanna been touched like this. She wasn't thinking, just enjoying every single second she was allowed to spend in his arms. Satisfied, she snuggled a little closer to him, which he answered with a careful kiss on her forehead. Lysanna had never been happier than at this moment. Her body was completely wrapped in love and warmth. Not even the cold wind, which was meanwhile creeping from the lake to the shore, could drive away this comforting warmth.

"I am so sorry," Severus whispered softly, right into her ear. His deep voice sent a pleasant shiver down Lysanna's spine. She loved him, more than she had previously realised. Slowly a pleasant exhaustion found its way into Lysanna's body, she was tired, this short but fierce fight had drained her strength. Wrapped in warmth and love, she now didn't even notice as she slowly drifted off into a deep sleep

"Ancient Runes" a Severus Snape ff - Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now