Chapter 42

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Lysanna's heart raced. Without being entirely sure, she knew exactly who this note was from as she unfolded it with trembling fingers. The elegant script on the parchment was unmistakable after all. She couldn't think straight, she was too excited to read the message.

She sat down in her chair, stared at the words, and began to read.

Hello Lysanna,

Forgive me for not replying to your letter sooner, but I was away and only received your message yesterday. I hope your return to the Ministry went well and that you are happy with your decision. It's a shame you're not here. I'm curious to hear what you have to say and look forward to hearing from you. If your offer for a glass of wine is still valid, just open the door...


Startled, Lysanna looked up from the letter to her door. Her heart raced with excitement, but a joyful smile couldn't help but spread across her face. She had already resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn't see Severus today, but now he might be standing just a few metres away from her door. Lysanna didn't have to think twice about whether to let him in. She wanted to see him, now! Almost frantically, she jumped up as she processed the message and went to the door.

Just the thought of looking into Severus's dark eyes in a few seconds drove her absolutely mad. She couldn't have put into words how she felt at that moment, overwhelmed by excitement, infatuation, joy, and hope. It was crazy, but at least, after this message, she had completely forgotten about her doubts. With a few deep breaths, Lysanna tried unsuccessfully to calm down before slowly opening the door.

She held her breath involuntarily as she saw him standing before her, dressed entirely in black as always, his usual stern expression fixed upon her. A warm sensation spread through Lysanna as their gazes met. She couldn't utter a word; her heart pounded wildly. Severus said nothing either, simply looking at her. For what felt like an eternity, they stood there, their eyes locked. Lysanna wasn't sure if time had perhaps stood still, but it didn't matter. She was here, and Severus was with her. Everything would be alright; Lysanna had no doubt about that now. An indescribable tension filled the air between them. Lysanna instantly felt that her feelings for Severus hadn't changed one bit. She loved him. The tension and the tingling sensation were almost unbearable; Lysanna could feel her heart pounding against her ribs.

Then, finally, she felt his hands on her, felt him pull her close, and she sank into his embrace, hoping that this moment would never end. She breathed in his familiar scent, her heart still racing as if desperately searching for a way out. She rested her head against Severus's chest, and she could feel his heart pounding too. With contentment, Lysanna returned his long-awaited embrace. She was enveloped in love and affection, and she had completely blocked out the world around her. Lysanna was simply glad to be back. To be home. This was where she belonged, with him.

Severus had not hesitated for a moment when Lysanna slowly opened the door and he met the slightly surprised blue eyes of the woman he loved. He had simply pulled her towards him, wanting nothing more than to never let her go. An indescribable warmth spread through his body, and even though he had at least had enough reasoning to close the door behind him, he found it hard to think clearly. This was the moment he had longed for for far too long. She was finally here with him, and Severus was certain he would never let Lysanna go again. Her scent filled his nostrils immediately, and lost in thought, he stroked her soft hair. There was no doubt in his mind that she still had feelings for him; there was so much love in her touch. Severus was happy, without the slightest hint of negative feelings, filled with a deep inner satisfaction for perhaps the first time in his life.

"It was about time," he stated after a while, breaking through the silence. The hint of a smug grin adorned his lips. He didn't care how long they had stood there in their embrace before he had spoken; he had lost all sense of time.
"I'm sorry. I...", Lysanna began, but Severus interrupted her. There was nothing she needed to apologise for. He didn't want to think about what had happened just a few weeks ago; all that mattered was that she was here now.
"You're back, and that's all that matters," he said, before reluctantly breaking free from the embrace. She still fascinated him as much as she had on their first day. Her sparkling blue eyes, which held his gaze, shone with happiness, and her face was adorned with a charming smile.
"I've missed you so much, Severus," Lysanna admitted, shyly averting her gaze. It seemed she was more than a little embarrassed by her obvious mistake.
"Don't you dare think I'll let you go again," Severus retorted, earning a more than surprised smile.
"Don't worry! You won't get rid of me that easily. I won't make that mistake again," Lysanna said, snuggling up to him again, and he couldn't, and didn't want to, do anything but return her gentle touch. He would never forget this evening. He gently kissed Lysanna's head before they separated again.

"Ancient Runes" a Severus Snape ff - Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now