Chapter 14

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A couple of weeks had passed by now since Lysanna's first lesson. She actually enjoyed being a professor, and some of the students, Hermione Granger in particular, proved extremely talented.

For the weekend, Lysanna had come up with a special homework assignment. She really wanted to introduce the students to the topic of runes, which with the old texts could sometimes be a little boring.

"Over the weekend, each of you chooses a passage from your favourite book, a poem, maybe a newspaper article, a recipe or something else and translates it into runes. In the next lesson we will exchange the translations with each other and we will try to translate them back together." Lysanna announced, dismissing the students for the weekend.

A quite eventful week lay behind her, another petrified student had been found, a Hufflepuff girl, and Lockhart had, who would have guessed, not been able to come up with a solution so far. The days, which were very long due to the evening patrols, were also slowly becoming noticeably exhausting. This week Lysanna did her patrols with different colleagues. Tonight, however, she had the pleasure of joining the potions master again. So far, fortunately, she has been spared from having to complete the strolls with Lockhart.

"Lysanna, there you are!" Minerva called and entered the classroom.

"Come on, quick! Something happened." Minerva added hastily. Lysanna followed her aunt into the headmaster's office, where the other teachers had already gathered around the headmaster's desk.

"Now that everyone is here. I have bad news to report. Hagrid was arrested by the Ministry tonight. Apparently it turned out that they seem to assume a connection between him and the opening of the Chamber of Secrets." Dumbledore explained the reason for the urgent meeting.

This was not possible. Hagrid couldn't even harm a fly, let alone that he didn't even have the skills for such an endeavour. The Ministry must be wrong.

"That's absurd! I could try to speak to the ministry.." Lysanna began, but was abruptly cut off by Dumbledore.

"There must be another solution, your engagement in honour, Lysanna, but I'm sure the Ministry will uncover the truth quickly," said Dumbledore calmly. Lysanna didn't understand why he was so intent on just letting things take their own course. But she understood very well that there was little point in defying the Headmaster.

It was debated for a another while about how to proceed, but in the end everyone more or less agreed that there was initially nothing left to do but continue to search for clues about the chamber. Nobody knew where this chamber was located and no information could be found about it. Since Lockhart's commitment was obviously limited, Snape had done some research on his own. Unfortunately also without real results.

The only consolation was that the Christmas holidays were just around the corner. The majority of the students would be going home for the holidays, so the teachers would have time to do a bit more research.

"Who of you is willing to spend the holidays here and continue to search for information? I will be here myself, as will Minerva." Dumbledore asked the gathered.

A few raised their hands, including Trelawny, Flitwick and Snape. Lysanna also raised her hand. In fact, she was almost glad not to have to spend the holidays alone in her Edinburgh apartment. She had always enjoyed Christmas at Hogwarts the most, especially when it was snowing in the Great Hall and the Christmas trees were set up everywhere.

Quite unfortunately, Lockhart had to announce that he had to keep some important appointments, which impressively proved once more his lack of interest in solving this not entirely insignificant problem.

"Very good! Thank you! As soon as you think you've found information, don't hesitate to bring it to me. It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is. And now we should eat something! These consultations always make me crave a piece of honey cake. ' Dumbledore declared the meeting closed.

"Ancient Runes" a Severus Snape ff - Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now