9 | New Queen

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Murderous intent oozed in the small room as Meliodas and Obsidian were seated facing each other at the long table. Silence hung in the air as they stared at each other expressionlessly, neither one choosing to break their hold. It had been quite some time since she'd said a word and he waited patiently for the moment that she did.

Too many emotions plagued Obsidian as she sat in the presence of her former friend, a lot more content than had been expected. She was going through the motions of grief all over again and was finally on acceptance. Meliodas would never again be her friend. Things would never be the same. They were on two very different sides with two contrasting beliefs. The kidnapping had been the cherry on top of a shit cake and that was why she was officially done.

Though feeling anger, Obsidian had quickly realized how detrimental it had become to her mental state. The more hatred she had felt, the more she missed her old companion, so she had conceded to feeling nothing at all. They had once been so close, so loyal to each other, but there was no coming back from everything that happened. He'd had chances to turn himself around, but he still made poor decisions. Everything being solely up to Meliodas to decide had troubled her. So this time, it was Obsidian who'd made her choice.

She'd no longer entertain his madness and antics. For as long as she needed, she'd stay put so that the others may continue their conquest of this land. And then Zeldris would rise as the demon king, succeeding his father as had been intended.

Meliodas merely watched her, his hands laid flat on the table. A knife protruded from his shoulder where Obsidian had so angrily stabbed him hours ago. He grabbed hold of the hilt and with a grunt, removed it from his bloody flesh. He gently touched the gaping wound and slid the knife across the table back to its owner. His fingers then grazed the large gash in his cheek and he sighed. Obsidian had gotten him good, admittedly. If she truly needed an outlet for her anger, then he was more than willing to oblige.

He smirked, looking her up and down. She was sexiest when she was pissed. Her response to his leering was to drive her dagger through the table in warning. Meliodas only chuckled which caused her to scoff and fold her arms.

Meliodas simply sat there quietly. She was obviously still processing what happened to lead up to this moment.


"No." She cut him off so abruptly. "You don't get to speak."

"It's been days and we've just been sitting here having a staring contest. You'll have to talk to me eventually."

Obsidian stubbornly stuck up her nose and looked in the opposite direction making Meliodas sigh. He pulled up his chair beside her, but she simply avoided his pestering gaze.

"O, stop being a brat." He sounded just like Zeldris.

"You do not call me that."

"Everybody else does," he challenged.

𝒲𝓇𝑒𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑒Where stories live. Discover now