A fresh start

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Ellie's POV:

The girl Valerie takes my lighter and sends me to my new room. Im not a fan of Valerie only because she talks to me with a sweet voice. She knows what I'm here for. It pisses me off because I don't want to be here at all.

I take my long brown hair out of its bun.

as I'm unpacking this girl with short hair and a burnt face comes in. I can't believe I got sent away to this place. I mean really, there's so many losers. Not to be rude and disrespectful but I never thought I'd end up in a place like this.

I sighed and took the cigarette out of my mouth. I mean sure, I wouldn't say I'm living the dream but sending me to this hell hole?

"You must be new, I'm Polly!" She hugs me and I squirm away from her. Who the hell does this girl think she is? Fucking putting her hands on me.

"Hi Polly." I make sure to stand at a distance and continue putting clothes away. I couldn't even fit my wardrobe here. My stepfather burned most of the clothes anyways.

"I'll show you around when you're ready!" She says and rambles on about things I couldn't care less about. So now I need a tour guide?

Something more interesting meets my eyes, or someone more interesting. I look out the window and there's this blonde girl getting out of a car.

She's yelling at two police officers and calling them names. She's yelling and cursing but she seems so interesting. I could see the anger coming out of her.
I leaned on the window frame. Looking at the girl.

Im not too happy to be here either, but she just slapped the police officer. I see her arguing more with the police as they drag her inside.

"Who is she?" I look at Polly as she comes over to me at the window.

"That's Lisa, I wouldn't talk to her. She's gonna be pretty mad." Polly says with her eyebrows raised.

"Why is that?" I ask curiously. Polly goes quiet for a second and I hear Lisa talking in the hallway. She just insulted one of the girls here.

"It's good to be home, don't ya think so Val?"She gives Valerie her coat with a fake smile.
I go to the door to get another look at her. Polly is beside me.

She strolls over to my new room and we step aside to let her come in. I step back because of how angry she looked a few moments ago. The only thing I'm able to focus on is her perfume.

"Hey torch." She looks at Polly.

"Hey Lisa." Polly doesn't sound as happy to greet her.

"Miss me?" She gets closer to her.

"Not much." Polly backs away. See how you like it when people get in your personal space Polly? Not much. Take a lesson from her or two.

"Val who is the new girl in my room?" She yells and then looks back at me.

"It's my room now, do you have a problem?" Polly looks at me and gestures for me to shut up. I know that those were definitely the worst words I could've said in this situation.

I wasn't aware this Lisa girl was a raging bitch.

Which I was going to find out in a few seconds.

I mean I didn't say anything offensive, although she grabs my shirt and pushes me hard into the wall. Normally I'd be fine but I haven't gotten into a physical fight in so long.
It's hard to resist, besides. I need someone to take my anger out on.

That is until..
"Don't come in here acting all smart with me new girl." Her raspy voice says against my ear.
I lean my head back on the wall, wanting to push her away.

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