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Ellie's POV

I wake up and Daisy left a note saying she expects us to be gone by 10am and that she gave us money to get a bus.

I go upstairs and see her in bed peacefully sleeping.

I don't want to wake her so I just mutter a small bye and leave. I never understood why she liked me at all, it's not like I tried to get her to like me.
I only ever saw her as a good friend. A good friend is all she'd ever amount to in my eyes. Why would I take my eyes off of anyone when I have Lisa Rowe in my life? Why would anyone be liking me when they could like her? Why would they even dare to breathe the same air as Lisa Rowe?

Once I go downstairs Lisa grabs my hand and pins me into the wall. There's not a day where I'd ever miss these kinds of interruptions.

"Hey" she smiles, her lips near my ear.
My heart beats quicker. My face even gets a little hotter. I feel myself loosing thought.

"Good morning to you to." I flush. What even happened to a simple good morning and hello?
What even happened to breathing, I wouldn't know because I forgot.

"So, let's get going, to Florida you know." She kisses my neck.

"Okay." I moan. But I don't care where it is I go. I don't care what we do. As long as I'm with her I feel happy. I feel content. Maybe I shouldn't feel these things with someone like Lisa arose. But she is the only one I'd want to feel anything with. She is as beautiful as a field of flowers. She is as hot as the burning sun on my skin. She can be colder than the ice cream we got on that cold winter day.

But she is still her, she is still the girl that has me on my knees, she's the girl who has the most power over me. I respect her, I want her.

And there's a knock at the door.

"Hello?" I say.

"Open up." Valerie... of course it's Valerie's voice. I think I could recognize it from anywhere.

"Do you think we should open it?" She doesn't waste time covering my collarbone with kisses.

Each one feels like a gift, something I crave, something that makes me starved.

Something I desire deeply.

"I don't want to." I let out a whisper into her ear.
I would give anything to stay in here with her.
Just the two of us.

I know daisy's upstairs but she doesn't have a care in the world. She's just sleeping and doing her own thing.

But I seriously wish that she'd just go away with her group of workers.
If they want me better then I suggest leaving me here with her would do the trick for a while.

Lisa Rowe x fem Where stories live. Discover now