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Ellie's POV:

I wake up with her face on my chest and her hand on my waist, she's awake but not moving.
     "Morning Lisa" I watch her sit up and stretch.

      "Hey Johnson, get a good sleep?" Her eyes burn holes in my body.
     "Yeah." I get up and go to get dressed, I have to be warm because it's snowing out and we are going into town to get ice cream.

      When I'm done I go back in and I see Lisa, she's looking at my sketchbook. I just walk over to her and kiss her cheek.

       I see a small smile of pride play on her lips, she flips through the sketchbook as she seems intrigued in each drawing I've made.

      "Lisa we have to go, you can't lay in bed all day." I try to take the sketch book away.

     "No." She lays back down.

      "Get up or I'll make you get up." I look down at her.
     "You'll make me?" Danger gleams in her eyes.

      "Yes?" I question.

     "I'd love to see you tr-"

I cut her off and I pull her face up to mine very closely.
       "Get up." I say.

      "Exited to see your girlfriend Daisy?" She says with a sour tone and a stubborn face.

      "Hey you know that's not true, stop teasing me about it or you're just jealous Lisa." I say to her.
      "Me? I don't get jealous." She smiles.

      "Whatever, she's not my girlfriend." I say.

      "Who do you want to be your girlfriend?" She asks with interest.
      "Someone you know" I roll my eyes at her.

      "Oh yeah? Like me?" She catches on quickly.

      My heart pounds in my chest, if I say yes then she might shut me down. If I say no she might be sad I didn't say yes.

      "Do you want it to be you?" I ask.

      "Only if you prove you're not in love with Daisy." She teases me more.
      I kiss her and wait until I'm out of breath to pull away.
      Her lips are still close to me, our breathes intertwined.

      "Convinced?" I ask.

      "No, I think you need to show me again." She messes with me.
      "Get up, get ready, and I will later." I look down.

       "Fine be bossy" she gets up and walks out.

      That girl, I swear she's gonna be the death of me.

We are at the ice cream place and Lisa has an arm draped around me.
      Daisy keeps looking at us weirdly and she keeps trying to get any free moment with me she can.

      Just about as Daisy is going to leave she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

       "I hope you'll contact me when you can." She bats her eyelashes and walks out.

       "Bye Daisy?" I sorta yell.

      "Does she like you?" Polly asks.

      "I wouldn't put it past her." I say to Polly.

      "Bullshit, she doesn't get to mess with my best friend like that. If she likes you then she has to be loud and clear about it." Lisa perks her head up.

      I glance at Lisa, and then back at Polly.

      "So she does like Ellie?" Polly looks at Lisa.

      "I bet so, if she hurts her I'll fight her. Like any good best friend." Lisa mocks.

      "You don't have best friends Lisa, it's not your thing. Leave Ellie alone." Polly says.
     "And I don't like her, I have my eyes set on someone else." I look at Lisa and she gives me a smile.

      "Who?!" Polly questions me over and over five times. Questioning me with questions.

      "There's this one person who's my best friend." I hint.

     She doesn't get it.

      "Girls." Valerie says, and it's time to go back to that horrible place.

     "Fine." We all say in unison.

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