Dont we all

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Ellie's POV

I'm in my room and Lisa is probably in the art room, I keep wondering if I should go but you know, I wouldn't want to get in trouble.

I pull myself off of my bed and sneak to the art room, I go through the doors and weird rusty halls. I follow the voices and hear someone.

"Guys someone's here!" Polly yells and rambles on about how they got caught. How they're dead.

Lisa's voice is all I can focus on "I'm not afraid of some Orderly. I'll take Valerie herself." She jumps out from behind the corner and slams me into the wall hard. So hard, so very hard that my back stings. Fuck.

"It's just Johnson." She loosens her grip and her gaze changes to worry. Well that's a new expression I've never seen on her.

I sort of smile and giggle at her change of expression. "We really should stop meeting like this, you could break my back." I tell her.

"I'm sure there's other ways I could break your back Ellie." She looks down to my lips.

      "What?" I look down at her lips.
     "Relax I'm kidding." She laughs and pulls away.

     "Right." I follow her around the corner to the bowling setup they have.

"You're up." Polly squeezes me and I lightly push her off of me, like I'm disturbed by her touch.
"Sorry." She says.

I nod and pick up a ball that gets rolled to me. Then I roll it towards the pins and it knocks them all down.
I can feel Lisa's eyes on me. She's probably just staring at something I got on my shirt.

     Actually no I'm not that dumb. I know she wants me. At least some way.

      She probably peaks everyone's interest.

     Lisa Rowe does not look like one to care or talk about feelings, she's usually angry or wanting attention in any way possible.

     Or maybe she's messing with me and it's all a sick joke to fulfill her boredom.

     Either way, I'm not against playing it.

      She seems like an interesting friend to have around. Okay, being her friend is something I can do.


     When the game is over Polly tries to hug me again. I kind of just shrug her off. I don't know why Lisa doesn't freak me out. She is the most scariest.

     Hugging me can either make me very comfortable or make me have breakdowns.
   A boyfriend I was forced to have. The father I was forced to put up with on a daily basis.

     My head is fucked up by them but I'm done blaming myself, they want to be assholes then they can.
     I go into my room after brushing my teeth and I lay down on my bed, tiredness flowing through me.
     "Hey." Lisa lays next to me.

     "This is my bed." I lift my head up from my pillow.
     "What? Don't you want me in bed with you." She brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

     "No don't go." I hold her waist.

      "Ellie, may I ask what the whole "don't hug me" situation is about?" She lays her head on my chest and butterflies flood my stomach.

     She is trustworthy, I feel safe as I can possibly be right now.
     "If I don't have someone's trust then I don't want their hands on me." I stroke her hair.

     She relaxes on me.

  She still looks confused about the whole touching thing.
     "Listen, I didn't mean to sound like such a bitch to Polly. I've had some trouble back at home which has been affecting me in many ways that I try to ignore." I try not to make things awkward.

     Being raped and beat into liking men isn't exactly party chit chat is it? I don't want to trouble or annoy her either. I don't want to annoy anyone.

     "Well what about me. Am I aloud to hug you?" She gets up from me like she somehow crossed a boundary.

     "If I had a problem with it then you wouldn't be laying on me, would you?" I nestle into her neck and lay beside her.

     "Alright, so you trust me?" She shuts her eyes and something tells me that we're going to sleep now. "I really do."

      "I'm glad" she says. She sounds kind of off though.

So I drift off into sleep and a part of me hopes that tomorrow doesn't come, so I can stay this way forever.

     In this memory.

     But I wake up, the other side of the bed is empty.
     Shes in solitary for arguing with a nurse.

      Is what the note she left reads.

Lisa Rowe x fem Where stories live. Discover now