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Ellie's POV:

After solitary I decide all I want to do is go to bed, but first I should see what's going on in the tv room.
Lisa is laying on the coach and when I walk in and her attention immediately goes to me.

Something about that makes me feel intimidated by her stare. She smirks and I go to my seat by the window.

A nurse comes in and gives Lisa her pills, she swallows them. I'm surprised she didn't cause a scene.

A nurse comes over to give me my pills and I see Lisa talking with that stupid cat puppet.
"Are we gonna have a problem?" She mocks and sticks out her tongue and moves it around with the pills on her tongue. Letting me know she never swallowed them.

She has a chilling, mocking attitude. I'm not going to lie when I say she looks beautiful. Almost scary. I think I should stop associating myself around scary people though. Usually they aren't good people.

Then she takes the pills out of her mouth with her hand and shoves them in her pocket.
I take the pills and make it look like I swallowed them. I know her eyes are on me. She's watching me, seeing if I'll swallow them. I can almost feel holes burning into my throat by her intense stare.

I open my mouth and the nurse walks away.

Lisa looks at me and I take the pills out of my mouth, quickly and shove them into my pocket.

I see Lisa.

"Good girl" she mouths in my direction.

I sigh and go back to drawing, not wanting anything to do with her.

then I hear Lisa bothering someone else with the stupid puppet.

I see Daisy motion for me to come to her door and I get up quickly.
Lisa looks over at me and puts the puppet down.

"I usually don't let people in my room." She says and folds up the chicken on her bed.

"May I ask what that is for?" I try to ignore the smell and focus on her.
"I don't want to talk about it." She comes closer to me.

"Is it good chicken?" I joke.

"It's good chicken." She softly laughs.

There's a weird silence for a moment but then I break it.
"You gave me a cigarette, it's only fair that I return the favor." I take out a cigarette and place it between her lips.

"Thank you Ellie." She smiles.

"It's no problem." I find her amusing. She's actually very interesting.

That's when Lisa walks in.

"Someone finally has guests in her room?" She comes over and puts her arm around my shoulder which makes me feel all warm inside. But I still tense and slip away from her.

     "Lisa, get out." She says with an upset face.

     "Alright, Alright, but I'm taking your girlfriend with me okay Daisy?" Lisa says in a sarcastic tone.
     "Whatever, bye Ellie. I'll see you tomorrow." She waves at me and goes over to get her chicken.

"Bye Ellie I'll see you tomorrow." She mock whispers in my ear. She does it with a whiney voice. Imitating daisy.

     Lisa walks out with me, her arm dropped and around my waist now. "What was that for?" I ask her.

     "You don't wanna hang around with Daisy, look Johnson. She doesn't hang around with people because of how easily she gets obsessed." She sits down on my bed when we enter our room. Of course out of everyone I'm paired with her. The one girl who scares me.

     I look down at her. "Yeah and why should I hang around with you?" I say. I do feel bold of myself but I don't want to start another fight with her. That would be pointless.
     That's when she stands up from her position and she looks down at me, she's one inch taller than me and her eyes have bags under them.

     She's still somehow the most gorgeous girl here. She puts her hand on my chin, pulling me closer to her. I think I might start shaking but then I relax myself, I tell myself that she's not like him, not everyone is like him, and it's okay to let people lay even one finger on you, and trust that she wouldn't hurt you like that.

Paranoia gets the best of people sometimes.

     "If you don't want to hang out with me you can hang out with Daisy." Her words test me.

     "I think I might like it better here with you." My eyes flicker down to her lips for a moment. What am I doing?

Lisa Rowe is not my friend.

     "That's what I thought." Her hand makes its way to my shoulder and she pulls me a little closer so her lips are just near my ear. She makes a room 100 degrees hotter just by being in it.

      "I take it back, I like having you as a roommate Johnson." She pecks my cheek childishly like a 12 year old crush would and pulls away, her eye's basically staring into my soul.
Maybe she's not so bad?

     "Yeah." I bring myself to say when no other words can leave my mouth. I really need to get used to physical contact. What she did was so sweet and still I can bring myself to like her.

she just chuckles and walks out leaving me confused.

      See, nothing like him, her touch is harsh and playful but she's so different, something makes me want her touch and affection.

      But friends are possessive like that right?
Wait, I'm not her friend.

      Actually I wouldn't know, I don't have many anymore.

     Lisa Rowe, I repeat in my mind.

     Lisa Rowe....

Polly walks in
      "Later we're going to be in the art room at night, meet us there!" She shakes me shoulders and starts getting exited. I jolt backwards like she burns me.

      "Yeah sure." I smile at her.

      "Great!" She grabs my arm and tugs me into the tv room, I think I'm getting bored of this place already I think to myself. It feels like we're trapped in a cage. Like animals...

      She tugs me around and makes me sit on the couch, Lisa is laying there but she makes sure she adjusts herself to have her head on my lap. Making my breath catch in my throat.

     I try to focus on Polly's voice for the rest of the day but I keep noticing Lisa playing with my hand and doing little things to distract me from my conversation.
Her hand on my thigh.

Sorry this is so short

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