Are you crazy

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Lisa's POV:

I don't know what made me kiss the new girl, maybe it had been the fact she's so gorgeous.

      That or the obvious, I'm bored and she's a great fixation.
     Sure maybe I had one to many shocks, but this girl had to be an angel because she showed up right when I needed her.

     Call it fate, no I'm just kidding.

     I don't believe in that stuff, but each day that goes by with her in this Hell hole, the more men seem less attractive to me. I know that sounds crazy because I've always been good with guys. There's just something about this girl.

     I lay on her lap, she tries to sketch and I shut her book.

     "What was that for?" She asks.

     "I'm bored, and Daisy gets out tomorrow. What are you getting for ice cream?" I sit up.

     "Peppermint." She says and puts her book away.
     "Draw anything about me yet?" I joke, but when I see the little glint in her eyes I start to rethink.

      "You wish, Rowe." She chuckles. I look at her, normally I loose my shit when people talk to me mockingly.

     Maybe it's the tone of her voice that makes me want to continue this game, or maybe I'm just making her feelings for me up because I want someone to want me.

      "I see you're using my last name." I watch her face soften and I can't help but kiss her.

      I'm stopped by a hand that gently warns me.

     "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. My tone, playful.

      "What if someone sees? Won't they take you away." She worriedly says.

     "No, no, no, let them see, really. They'll know you're mine." I let my face melt against hers and she grabs my face, letting herself drift away into my lips.

     We spend the rest of the day in bed, in separate beds of course. Sadly.
     Polly is annoying me about something her dad had said to her earlier.
      I can't help but roll my eyes at her.

     Daisy is in Ellies bed, she is laughing at a joke and something burns in me. You call it jealousy, I call it curiosity. I don't get jealous.

      When I'm deep in my conversation with Polly I feel her eyes on me, I glance over and she gives looks of sympathy.
     I furrow my eyebrows.

     Did I do something? Did she do something? Why is she looking at me like she committed a felony. Or I committed a felony?? Why is Polly looking at me like that.

     Later when our friends leave, she goes to my bed and sits in front of me.
     "Lisa..." she sadly says.

     "Hm?" I put out a cigarette.

     "Look, I want to be friends with Daisy. I promise that it's just friends. I just don't want you to feel jealous because I really want to be Daisy's friend. I don't even know what me and you have, and I don't want you to be worried especially because she kissed me and- " I cut her off.

     "Worried?" I ask.

     Then a smirk plays on my lips when I lean close to her, she thinks I'm worried?

     "I'm not worried." I let my voice lower, my lips almost on her neck.
     "Why should I be worried? Even if she were to make a move, you'd always think of me when you're with her. I'd always be burning in the back of your mind. In this moment, even if she succeeded, she would never make you feel the way you do right now." She tilts her head back for me.

      "And it's not like we're girlfriends, don't get yourself to riled up baby." I move my fingers up her waist.

      She only responds with a noise, one that makes music to my ears.
     I look up at her, her beauty.

     And then Valerie knocks on the door loudly.

      I groan at her ruining my moment, then I get up and open the door.
     "Are you housekeeping?" I ask her.

     "People were complaining about noises, and making loud jokes, What's wrong with Ellie?" She stands professionally.

      "She's had a... lot on her mind today." I send her a look.
      "Well keep it down." She shuts the door.

     "I really don't like her." I say to Johnson.


     We are both in bed, I'm stretched out next to her. What? Friends can have sleepovers?

      Well, that's what I'll be saying to the orderly's when they do their checks.

     "You know, you think very high of yourself." She scoffs.
     "You know I'm right though?" I pry.

     "Yes, you were right." She holds my hand and I rest my face into her neck. Something about her everything just makes her so desirable that not even I can lie about it. And I'm a fairly good liar.

Lisa Rowe x fem Where stories live. Discover now