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Ellie's POV:

I want her, I want her so bad I can't breathe. Even though her teasing has made me overly upset with her.

The air is cold and we get back to the Hell hole we now know as home. Lisa walks carelessly into her room.

     I follow her.

"Lisa you are jealous of Daisy. Don't even deny it, why else would you keep teasing me if it weren't for jealousy?" I shut the door behind me and I watch her eyes widen.

"Now am I being interrogated Baby?" She laughs with sarcasm filling her voice.

"This is serious, what more do you want from me huh? I don't like Daisy! She's just my friend." I step closer to her, not fully yet understanding why everyone is scared of Lisa Rowe.

She is not scary,
She is frustrating. And stubborn. And so incredibly infuriating.

"How about you tell her that, she's probably writing mail to you right now. You know what her dad does to her and I bet she wishes it were you." Lisa's jaw clenches.

"How could you say that about Daisy?!" I look at her with cold eyes. Starting to almost dislike her.

"Why do you care so much?" She smiles, but it's a mocking one, not a real one.
"I can't with you." I make it to the doorframe and get pulled back by Lisa.

"You're just going to leave? Im not done yet." Lisa says in a terrifying tone.

"Yeah and what else are you going to do? You're acting like so much of a closed off bitch right now." I yell at her.

"Stop it. I like you but I don't like you that much." She says with eyes that hurt me. Her tone completely changed.

"If you didn't like me you wouldn't be pining over me, livid about the fact Daisy almost got away with fucking me." I pull my wrist away from her hands.

"She didn't get to." Her voice is not as sweet anymore.

"No you're right, I was too caught up in the thought of you so I passed up that wonderful opportunity." I don't mean what I say, the words just come out so carelessly. I want to make her feel something.

"You're joking?" She scoffs.

"You wish." Disgust is on my facial expressions.
And then Lisa walks past me and into the tv room where everyone is.

"Oh no you're not walking away from me, what happened to not being done." I follow her.

"Fuck you Ellie Johnson." Everyone watches as I grab her arm and turn her around.

"Maybe some other time you cold hearted asshole." Everyone looks up shocked at my words.

"Why you" she swings but I punch her quicker. Then she hits me and I shove her away.

She pushes me away and slaps me once, nothing more.

"What the fuck are you doing." She snaps at me.
"I care about Daisy and you need to respect that. She's human too." I say.

"You said where you stand, now you'll have to deal with it. Just a tip- " she pulls me closer.

"You won't forget about me. I'm better than daisy and you fucking know it." Lisa says

"No, no, right now you're actually a stuck up bitch so I really hope I do forget you." I regret the words that just come pouring out of my mouth.

"I'm the bitch? Oh I'm the bitch? I might not be head over heels in love with you but at least I don't want to have sex with other people." Lisa looks around the room knowing that everybody just heard her.

I push past her,
"No but I wanted you to at least love me a little bit. It's just a body for you though isn't it?" I need to get out of this room. I ignore the orderly's dragging Lisa away.

Lisa Rowe x fem Where stories live. Discover now