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Ellie's POV:

After about a week of being in different places.

A week of not seeing her after that amazing night we spent together.

After all of my therapy I'm finally ready to go back to the tv area. I have my new room back.

"ELLIE!" Polly hugs me.

I missed her too.

I actually missed these people. Isn't it strange?

It was only a day? A day of being free. A day of no rules. It was a day of great fun, only with her. Only with Lisa Rowe.

But I assume they are my friends, no matter how fucked up this place is.

When I go into my room I see Lisa laying in her bed. I've never wanted anyone as badly as I want her.

Her eyes cold and she almost looks dead.

"Hey." I walk in and shut the door.

She jolts up like I scared her.

Clearly someone has been getting shocks instead of therapy.

I look at her before sitting on the bed next to her.

"No." She gets up quickly.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I can't have this conversation with you." She says.

"What do you mean Lisa?" I question

"About last week. I got caught up alright. I can't like you, I never can. I don't like you or anything. I can't be with someone even if you're "

I cut her off.

"Lisa." I laugh.

"Hm?" She looks at me with nothing in her eyes.

"I can't be with you right now either." I grab her waist.

"I don't know what you're implying?" She mutters.

"Why are you so worried." I state.

She pauses for a moment.

"I don't want you to leave me when you find out I can't be the person you need me to be." She looks down at me.

Can you believe that there would be any flaws in Lisa Rowe, any ones I can't deal with.
She isn't a good person. She's a great person to me though.

None of us are truly good people, but I like her. I like to be with her. I like to see her in the morning. I like to be with her at night.

I pull her closer.

"I don't need you to be anything. And just between us two girls. You're interested in me correct?" I ask just to make sure she hasn't changed her mind about me.

I've never felt for anyone like I do today.

"I've never felt this way for somebody. Or at least it has been a very long time since I have." She tries to smile. It's like she read the lines in my head.

This is the first time I see something in her.

She's not trying to be cocky or cruel. She's not intimidating. She's not a jerk.

She's someone I want.

Or maybe it's just been like that since I first saw her through that window. I knew that once I knew her, there was no stopping me from wanting to know her more.

"I'm scared that I'll hurt you if we were to try anything serious." I say.

"You? Hurt me?" She asks.

"Oh don't be so hard on yourself." I hold her wrist.

"I'm sorry Ellie. I usually don't mean my apologies but with you, I just don't want to mess this up. You make me feel alive. Not just some dead on the inside heartless monster." She says.

"Whatever you want. I'll do my best to do." I kiss her lips.

She pushes me down on the bed and her hands entangle in my hair.

For the first time in this "Hell Hole."

I feel satisfied. I feel wanted. I feel alive. I feel the adrenaline pulsing through me.

But more importantly. She's kind, sweet, she's perfect for me.
Even if she's a fucking asshole.

Or maybe it's just the gnawing fact that I know me and Lisa will be together.

One day.


Or we already are.

Just not in the way that other people are in relationships. What defines a relationship?

She does not need to be my girlfriend.

My soul is already in love with her. I love her soul. It's like I feel a bond with it. Something id never let break.

And if it does, then I sure got lucky with her. Just knowing her.

It would only take a matter of time for our brains to realize, but the rest of my days in this dark dark world.

I will remember her and how her soft lips feel against mine as her hands grasp my hair.

Lisa Rowe.

"You promise me that when you get better you will come back?" She asks.

"Yes of course I do. I'll visit you daily. I'll think of you all the time. I already know that I need you." I say.

"You will wait for me until I get better? Do you really think I can?" She asks.

I kiss all over her face.

"Id wait until I'm old." I smile.

"You really would?" She asks.

"Then would you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes, without a doubt." She kisses my cheek.

I hug her as if I can't get enough of her.

We made a promise that day, when we get better we will be together. For good.

Lisa Rowe x fem Where stories live. Discover now