A life update

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So most of you know I have some pretty big exams which basically get me in to university so thank you for not expecting updates. I have one written now and will post it soon but, as some of you know, I usually only post if I have two other chapters written.

In other news I am having a difficult time at the minute and once I finish revision for the day my hands are generally too painful to write this. My exams officially finish 16th June but I may be able to update before then since, after these two weeks, it's not as bad. I'm also beyond exhausted and in pain and getting angry at everyone so my updates would be defeatist anyway.

A final note, it is EDS awareness month and I'd appreciate if you'd all look at one of the many sites for JHS or EDS and just understand a bit more. If you want to talk to other people that would be great too! And lots of zebras for EDS are great! There are numerous awareness shops and things around right now so look at some of those.

So thank you guys for all your support and this is still my catharsis even if I'm not writing as much as I used to.

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