[Chapter 6: The Talk]

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[Jason Pov]

I was sitting with Izumi and Toshinori about me.

Jason: What do you want to talk about?

Toshinori: I want to know about your powers.

Jason: Very well. Then you should be aware that I didn't use my powers during the entire fight.

Izumi: What?!

Toshinori: Actually I noticed. if I have to guess, you altered your body to not only store a mass amount of powers, but to be physically as strong.

Jason: Yes, in the case if my powers were to be unavailable.

Toshinori: Impressive.

Jason: Thanks, however, I want to ask you both something.

Izumi: Sure, what is it?

Jason: You're Toshinori's successor, right?

I could see the shock looks on their faces.

Toshinori: How do you know that?!

Jason: easy. I knew for two reasons, firstly is my powers to know everything and second is because I also have All for One.

Toshinori(shock): how is that possible?

Jason: It's complicated. But to make it short, I have one of the three All for One's quirks. For me, I have my very own All for One due to being turned into his and Salem's son. The second All for One is a copy that he keeps to himself and the final and original All for One is within Tomuka as she would become the new All for One and Symbol of Fear.

Toshinori: I see. Then tell me, what is the ultimate goal of the league?

Jason(mind): I can't tell them too much information, I'll have to redirect them until we're ready to strike.

Jason: Right now, The league goal is to ultimately destroy the faith and trust in heroes to the public.

Izumi: That's their plan?

Jason: Yes, and it all began when I destroyed the HSC and uploaded all of the heroes' hidden secrets they had. And neither all for one nor Salem had to manipulate others to join them, you heroes and your society did all the dirty work for them.

Toshinori: How?

Jason: I want you to give some thought to it. The vast majority of those who fought on the side of the bad guys were ostracized by society due to the nature of their personalities. the Faunus, Demi-Humans, Fallen Angels, Mutants, and Powerless, as well as many more, all of whom you despised and persecuted until they found their saviors in the League of Darkness; these were the people you rejected. Yes, they were all aware that we were the bad guys, but the actions that they believed would be carried out by the bad guys were instead carried out by the heroes. As far as those who joined us are concerned, the people who you consider to be heroes are really the villains in their eyes, and the people who you consider to be villains, such as All for One and Salem, are, in a sense, their heroes. You may do anything you want, but all you will accomplish is proving them right and strengthening their commitment to the league. The heroes are no longer able to coerce or manipulate themselves into doing what they need to in order to obtain what they desire.

I looked at Toshinori, who looked down at the table as I looked at Izumi, who was just looking at me.

Toshinori: You're right. We can't hide anything from the public. But we need to do whatever it takes to peacefully end this. There is a group of heroes who are more like Endeavor, they'll kill any villains who stand in their way.

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