[Chapter 15: The Punishment of Tenya Iida]

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[No One Pov]

After the sex session last night, Jason wakes up the next day refreshed as he looked to see Tomuka, Dabi, Himiko, Cinder, Emerald and Neo were already gone.

They must have been teleported back to the league base while he was sleeping, he did notice that Ruby, Blake and Izumi were still cuddling his body.

Jason was able to wake them all and get out of bed, Ruby, Blake and Izumi wasn't able to move their legs due to having such wonderful sex.

Jason helped them back to their dorms as he ran into Weiss and Yang, who asked what happened, but seeing both Ruby and Blake trembling legs, they knew and didn't ask again.

Aizawa and Glynda was informed that Ruby, Blake and Izumi weren't going to be in for the day, they didn't ask questions either, they knew.

Jason was brought to the headmasters office to talk about a matter that was brought to their action, mentioning Iida.

The headmasters told Jason that Iida was requested that Jason was to punish him, this has made Jason confused with such a request.

The headmasters told that even thought Iida is proving that he can be a better person and hero, he believes that he should still be punished.

Jason was told for the two reason why Iida believes he should be punished, for verbal bullying Jason and for going rogue when He and Stain met him.

Jason knew that Iida was a responsible boy who believe in giving deserved punishments, but Iida was already forgiven.

Some of the headmasters and teachers agreed with Iida getting some form of punishment for going after Stain on his own.

In the end, Jason agreed that he'll given Iida a punishment, but nothing as bad as Katsuki or Sasuke punishments.

Iida now stood in front of the headmasters along with some students and teachers, who wanted to see what will happen.

The students that came were Jason and Iida friends as they were surprised that Iida requested that he should be punished.

Ozpin: Tenya Iida, do you know why you have been summoned here today.

Iida: Yes, Headmaster Ozpin, I am because of my past actions against Mr. Shigaraki. And my actions during my Hero Agency Internship.

Nezu: That is indeed correct. While we know that your earning Mr. Shigaraki forgiveness for your past actions, you still believe that you deserve to be given some form of punishment.

Iida: Yes, headmaster Nezu, I do believe I deserve to be punished. I may not have bullied Mr. Shigaraki into becoming Absolute, I still had a hand in his development, so many innocent bloods are on my hands too.

Some of the headmasters and teachers agreed with that statement, Iida may not have physically bullied Jason, but he did mentally.

Iida: plus, what I did during my Hero Agency Internship was completely reckless, and unprofessional. I left my emotions cloud my judgement when I heard my brother was hurt and believe that the Hero Killer Stain. Only to find out none of that happened, Stain and Jason saw my brother worthy to stay as a hero and killed the villain who hurt him. I put myself at risk and endangered the lives there by going rogue like I did.

As much as some wanted to defend Iida for what he did, they also knew that he was right, he was reckless and unprofessional during his Internship, Jason was there when he met Iida, and knew he has potential as a hero.

Aizawa knew all about Iida going rogue by Normal Hero: Manual, he gave Iida detention and hose arrest for 3 days, Aizawa didn't know that Iida felt this bad about his actions.

Sirzechs: Very well Tenya Iida, then Jason Shigaraki, are you ready to give Tenya Iida his punishment?

Jason: Yes, I am.

Iida turned to Jason, ready to receive his punishment.

Jason: Yes, you may have bullied me, but it was to protect me, knowing what this world was like. And yes, you did go Rogue when he met me and Stain but owned up to your mistakes. Even now, I have no desire to give harsh punishment like expulsion. But you will still have the chance to stay as a hero.

Iida: I understand.

Jason: Good, then please, step forward.

Iida walked up to Jason as he held out a power canceling brace as Iida knew what this meant and raised his arm, Jason put the brace on Iida's arm.

Jason: For the next 4 months, you will be wearing this power canceling brace and will be suspended from Union Academy for that amount of time. You'll also be put into a Community Center to help the powerless there along with demi-humans, Faunus, and mutants. Once a week, you will undergo a simulation session, where you'll experience my past memories as a powerless human, and you'll will see what its like to be powerless. If you try to take off your power canceling brace or try to abuse the powerless, you will be expelled from Union Academy, blacklisted from all hero schools, will have your quirk taken away by me and you'll be sentenced to 5 years in prison. Do you accept the terms of your punishment?

Iida: yes, I do. I accept the terms of my punishment.

AM: Then, I'll take you to your dorm to pack some of your stuff and escort you off the school grounds.

Iida: Yes, All Might.

Iida then left with All Might, as Jason sighed to himself, Izumi grabbed his hand.

Izumi: I know you wanted him not to be punished harshly.

Jason: Yeah, he earned my trust back by doing this. I know that Tenya Iida has potential as a hero. This will give him the incite of what the powerless like me felt like.

Michael: I know this will be tough for him, but I could see him become a better hero than ever.

Aizawa: Thanks, you Jason, for giving Iida a light punishment.

Jason: I wouldn't exactly call it light. The Community Center he will be going to help will have a slight hate for him due to being a hero and for what happened to me, on top of that, the Community Center is also known to be the center of hate and extremists groups in Japan. The simulations that he will experience will feel be as realistic to him, he will get the full experience of a powerless human. The full experience of my past before I become Absolute.

Midnight: I see. That's definitely not light.

Jason: Yeah.

Tsunade: Then, I think it's time for you all to head back to class.

Students: Hai.

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