[Chapter 9: Unwelcome "Family" Reunion]

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[No One Pov]

After the Arrest of Katsuki Bakugou for the attempted murder of Jason Shigaraki, the whole school heard and was now more despising Katsuki.

Most of the tormentors were angry that Katsuki was arrested for trying to kill the 'villain', but everyone else was pissed.

Iida felt like he should have warned that Katsuki would have come for him in his sleep, but Izumi and her friends assured him it was fine.

And then, the word got out, that the entire Lynch Family was coming to Union Academy and they always knew why, for Jason.

Everyone could tell from when Jason fought his tormentors that there was a hate tension between them, even more for his so-called Family.

Those who were friends with Jason were with him, calming him down because he was getting angry and angry, knowing he'll face his past.

To make sure a fight doesn't break out between Jason and his former family, The headmasters planned to put them into two different rooms, transparent to each other.

The room would be live feeding to all of the academy so everyone could hear what could be heard between them.

And now, the time has come and this was going to be interesting to watch.

We could see Jason was sitting in one of the transparent rooms with All Might, Aizawa, Glynda, and Midnight, while the headmasters were watching along with the school.

Jason: Thank you All Might, Eraser, Midnight. I think you three I need in here when facing them.

AM: We understand Young Shigaraki. I just hope everything goes smoothly.

Jason: Doubtful. The only reason why they're coming here for me is that I have powers and am a powerful villain.

Aizawa: We'll never let them get to you.

Glynda: We'll stay by your side throughout.

Midnight: Yeah, you can be sure of that.

Jason: Thank you, I...

???: Jason...

Jason's body tensed up, his hair pointed up as he had an angry face, he looked up at the transparent glass and he glared.

On the other side of the Transparent glass, we could see Zayden, Sarah, and Gwen standing there, and in front of them are their parents and Jason's former parents.

Carlos Lynch

Heather Lynch

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Heather Lynch

Heather Lynch

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