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𝒟𝑒'𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶𝒽𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱
I see Ariana roll her eyes hard at her phone screen before turning to me.
"Okay all set, but I don't have any clothes"She smiles at me sweetly.
Oh yea, this girl can't ever leave.
"I have clothes for you already"
She raises her brow at me.

I roll my eyes"Nobody stalking you Grande"
She side eyes me."Side eye"
I sigh and giggle"Girl come on"
She laughs with me then started to sprint.

"Race you to the car!"
I groan and start to chase after her.
"Cheater!"I yelled as she was closer to the car.
With all my strength I sprinted faster towards the car, running right past Ariana and having my hand on the car.

I heave heavily cuz that lil run took a lot out of me.
Ariana finally caught up and burst out laughing.
"What's,"I pant"What's so funny?"
She continues to laugh."You out of breathe like I just fucked you for the past 10 hours"She cackled, just like Trix loud ass.
I roll my eyes and huff as my ears go hot.
"Shut yo, horny ass up damn"I giggled still trying to catch my breath.

We started to drive around a bit before going to my house. I enjoyed it, we were laughing and listening to music..we were being ourselves.
I felt warmth when being around her, I like this feeling.

"The lights are so pretty"I say softly lookin out the window as the song 'fue major' by Kali Uchis played in the back.
The street lights at night, and the snow falling? It's so fucking pretty it's like a movie.
"Yea they are"She smiled at me.

We drove around for about 20 more minutes before heading to me house.
"Ugh I'm so tired!"She mumbled taking her coat and things off.
I smile"You sleeping with me again or in the guest room?"
She thinks for a moment"The guest room"
"Oh"I say kinda sadly"Okay!"I put a smile on as I go upstairs to my room to get her pajamas.
I don't know why I was upset that she didn't want to sleep with me.

I go back to hand her clothes and hear she's in the shower. I knock on the door softly"Your pjs are on the bed!" I call out.
"Okay thank you Gorgeous!"She said then starts to sing.

I smile and walk away from the door going to my room to get ready to shower. I turn the water on completely hot, and watched as the bathroom started to steam.
Once it was foggy enough I turned that water to where it was warm but mostly hot and got in.

My mind starts to think back to what happened today so far. It's like 5 now almost 6, I've been hanging out with Ari since this morning and to say I enjoyed it would be an understatement. Today was one of the best days I've had in a while.

My mind also started to wander other places, revolving around that very inappropriate joke she made, though before I let my thoughts go any further I step out of the shower once I washed myself.
"Lord"I sigh to myself.

I haven't know her long but she was already making my body feel some type of way.

Once I'm dry and all dressed in my pjs I go downstairs. I was maybe going to cook or order take out but I wanted Ari to decide, so while I waited for her I picked a movie for us to watch.
I picked the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks.
I grabbed some snacks and set the living room up into a fort, going into the hall closet for the fairy lights to hang over the fort.

While I'm the middle of setting the snacks up inside the fort I hear Ari's footsteps.
I come out from the fort and smile.
Her lips form into the cutest pout and I couldn't help but pout as well.
"Gorgeous, this is so cute"She giggles.
I smile shyly.
"I was waiting so you can decide what we eat. Do you want take out or me to cook?" My head tilts.
"Do you know how to make vegan food?"
I nod my head.
"Mm I don't know,"
I sigh then roll my eyes,"How about,"I took a second to think of what we should do, but I have the cutest idea!
"Okay I order us Pizza, and while we wait for the pizza we can make vegan brownies together and have them for dessert"
"Oh you're one of them hopeless romantics huh?"
I roll my eyes and grab my phone to order the pizza.

They said it'll be about 20-30 minutes which gives me and ari time to make the brownies.
"Okay!"I giggle as Ari almost pored to much water into the bowl.
"Oh, wee need..eggs next?"
I nod my head, swinging my legs back and forth as I sat on the counter.
I sigh heavily as i needed a smoke.
"Are you okay with me smoking?"
She nodded her head"Maybe I'll try it with you for a first time"
I smile and hop off the counter, making my way to my room and grabbing my weed.
I grab the paper and make my way downstairs with my tray, crushing the weed then starting to pour the relaxer into the paper.
Ariana started to put the brownies into the pan.
I licked the paper and started to finish my roll, I look up to see Ari looking nervous.

"Don't be nervous"I smile assuringly.
"How do i even do it?"
I giggle, reaching to grab my lighter"You just have to breathe it in..like breathing through your mouth? I cant explain imma just tell you if you're doing it right." I say bringing the drug to my lips, I light it then take a big puff.
I inhale then exhale not feeling it takes it's effect just yet.
I pass it over to Ari and she looks at me unsure,
"Aye you don't gotta do it if you don't want to"I smile softly, holding the blunt up to her lips.
After a few seconds more of procrastinating, her lips wrap around the roll and she inhaled, you'd think she's done this before.
She exhaled and starts to cough harshly, then laughed.
I laughed alone with her.
"Damn girl!"I giggled.
She continued coughing"Shit!"She laughed.
I smiled taking another hit, starting to feel the marijuana do it's thing.
"It taste kinda good"She says, I choke up a laugh as I exhaled.
"Girl?!"I laughed then hear the door bell.
Some part of me was kinda hoping it was my daddy, but I knew it was just the pizza delivery.

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