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𝒮𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓃𝑒'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱
I sighed as I watched De'riyah dance on the floor with Ariana. I smiled at the image.

"They're too cute"I heard S'vaughn say, my heart beat speeds up, Ive had a crush on this nigga for the longest and he still can't catch a hint, so i quite trying.

"I know"I smiled, turning towards him.
"We ate down on this party"He said sassily, I laughed.
"Yes we did, anything for our sweet girl"I said referring to De'riyah.

"You uh, wanna dance?"He held his hand out for me, I took it with a smile.
He walked me to the floor, placing his hands on my waist, and mines on his shoulders.

We danced to the song, I laid my head on his chest.
I open my mouth to speak, him beating me to it.
"Simone I know you like me,"He started.
"And I like you too, but I don't do relationships"

I sighed, this was a reoccurring thing. We'd fuck, I'd confess, he confess, and then this.
"Why do you keep doing this?"I said sadly.
"S'vaughn it's not," I sighed "I'm in love with you"I say pulling away and looking into his eyes.
"And you know this"I giggled.
"I know but,"
"But you don't feel the same. You've told me countless times yet I still come back to you"
"No Simone. I love you, I just, I don't know if i could ever fall in love with you"

I feel my heart break, into millions of pieces, I don't know what I was expecting.
"Right,"I say, about to pull away.
"No no not like, I just, I'm scared!"He says gripping me, as if when he lets go i'll never come back.
"Scared of what?"I asked.
"Scared that if I fall for you you'll leave. Scared that you'll find someone better once I open up to you,"He confessed looking away from me.

"S'vaughn that won't happen."I tried reassuring.
"How do you know that?"
"I don't, I just, I trust you wouldn't hurt me like that. And,"I smiled"I want you to trust that I wouldn't hurt you like that."

He placed his forehead against mines.
"I want to trust you I do, but I don't know how"
"Then I'll teach you"I say softly. I lean up and place a gentle kiss to his lips, pouring all of my love into the kiss.

He started to kiss back, pouring an equal amount of passion into our form of intimacy.
"I love you"I said softly.
"And, I love you too"

𝒜𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓋
I looked around as I held De'riyah in my arms, I see Trix looking upset and got confused, I would've called out to her but it's Riyahs night, so I focused my attention back on her.

I check her out a little and hear her laugh.
"You know, you look so good in this dress"I say in her ear.
"Mmm I know thank you"
"You got a boyfriend? Girlfriend?"I asked jokingly.
"No i'm interested in someone though"She said playing along.
"Oh for real? Who?"I said holding her waist a little tighter, letting my left hand caress her ass.
"Mh, don't worry about it"I pulled away and look her in the eyes.
"Mother fucker you betta tell me"

She pouted"I don't have to tell you a mother fucking thang, it's my birthday"
"Oh she sassy"I said faked shocked.
"Shut up"She groaned shoving me back, I grab her hands and pull her into me, looking in her eyes.

We had a small staring contest until she broke into a smile"Eughhh, you ate that i guess"
I laughed"You guess?"
"Yea that was smooth or whatever"
I rolled my eyes"You know you folded from that shit stop playin"

She smiled bashfully at me, and without noticing we were both leaning into a kiss.
Holy shit.

We were kissing, for the first time since we've met.
I melted into the kiss almost instantly, her hands grabbing my jaw and holding me in place, I let her feel
as if she was the one taking control.

Her hand lowered to my neck and she squeezed tightly, causing me to gasp and let her slip her tongue inside.
Her hold on my neck loosened as the kiss got more passionate.
Our tongues fought for dominance, the vibe changing as the music changed.

We both were so into the kiss, it got more heated each second until I pulled away for air.
"Fuck"I gasped.
"Shit"She whined at the same time.

We stared into one another's soul and started to giggle.
"Best birthday ever"She said softly whilst laying her head on my chest.

"Okay you salacious mother fuckers"Liziya aggressively spoke into the mic before smiling,"It's time to sing our princess happy birthday"

Riyah smiled excitedly as she pulled away from me and made her way towards the table with the snacks, her cake was placed in front of her chair, which looked more like a throne. It was a white chair with silver lining along the arms of it.

We all gathered around the table and smiled as De'riyah sat beaming.

Liz carefully opened the lid of the cake, it was silver and blue, everything was color coordinated.

Liz placed the silver numbers 2 and 1 on the cake and lit them.

For the most part we all had our phones out by now, ready to record.
"Okay! 3, 2, 1!"

"Happy Birthday to you!"
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Riyah!"
"Happy Birthday to you!"
"And many moreee"I sang softly.
We giggled as she blew out her candles with the biggest grin.
"PERIOD MY BITCH IS 21"One of the boys yelled.
"WHOOP WHOOP"They celebrated. I could do nothing but admire the sight, they then all huddled around the birthday girl and squeezed her into a tight hug.

"I love you guys"She said, sounding as if she was crying as I joined in on the group hug.
"We love you too"We all said in sync.
She giggled and shoved everyone off of her.
"Okay time for cake!"She squealed.

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