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𝒯𝓇𝒾𝓍 𝒫𝒪𝒱
As Liz started to cut the cake for everyone I got lost deep in my thoughts. She likes me. As much as I'd want to like her back, I don't. I see her as just my bestfriend, nothing more than that, at least not any more.

I frowned as I thought of how hurt she was, that's not like liz to be upset over feelings but there she was, confessing to me just moments before the party had started, crying about how she's liked me for forever.

Thinking about her confession made me think of my feelings towards her as well. Do I like her? Am I even gay?
I don't know! All of its so overwhelming. I did my best to focus my attention on De'riyah because this was her night, and it's not all the time all of our attention is focused on her.

I pushed the profound and gloomy thoughts away, smiling as Dee walked up to me.
"You good?"He asked, Dee was always able to tell when something was wrong with any of us in the group, and even though he tried to play as the strong one we know he's super sensitive.

I nodded my head"Yea i'm good,"
"You lyin?"
I shook my head.
"What's wrong?"
"Can we table this convo? It's De'riyah night."I said softly.
He nodded his head"We'll talk about tomorrow"
It wasn't a question either.

I turned my head towards De'riyah and walked towards her, she was talking to Ari.
"Hi babiesss"I smiled.
I smacked my lips.
"Lucky as hell it's your birthday, cmere"I said with a grin.
I held my arms open for her and she gladly rushed into them.
"Happy birthday sweet girl"I mumbled.
"Thank you"She mumbled shyly, it was always on her birthdays she got really sweet, she loves being babied and shit too.
We all do for real, but she's the biggest baby of us all.
I laughed.
"I would fuck you tonight, but ari here"I joked, she quickly punched me.

"Fucking faggot"
"Okay bitch! I was just tryna be funny!"
"I hope ari whoop yo ass"She mumbled.
"Ari yo cousin tryna fuck me!"

Ariana sent a glare my way, and all I could do was laugh.
"Oh shit!"
De'riyah started to giggle.

After a while of more dancing, joking and just having fun we eventually grew tired.
Some of us drunk or tipsy, and the other few high.

"Okay y'all!"Liz called out."Tonight was a special night for our sweet Riyah, but the party is overrrr! If y'all the few invited to the slumber party go out the door over theree! And those who are too wasted to drive themselves the limbo is out side waiting, don't worry the driver has everyone's address"
Liz stated, just as she finished the clean up crew came, we made sure to pick up most of the shit, they were just gonna take down the decorations.

"You wanna bring the rest of your cake pretty girl?"I heard Ari asked a very wasted De'riyah.
"Mhm, carry me?"She asked pouting. I just laughed, then liz catches my eye.

"Liz!"I said rushing over to her,"Liz, can we talk?"
"There's nothing to talk about, you don't feel the same way and that's okay"She smiled.
"No, I- I just I don't know how I feel"
"And that's okay too, but i'm not going to be an experiment either. We're still friends"She mumbled sadly.
I frowned.
"I want to try though,"I tried pushing.
"And I don't want to be hurt once you realize your feelings for me aren't 100. Trix you're my bestfriend, i'd rather be rejected then lose you all together"She shrugged.
I just sighed.
"Cmon we gotta go"She said walking away.


𝒟𝑒'𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶𝒽𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱
I was shaking with excitement, today was definitely the best birthday of my life.
And we're having a sleepover!It's like being 16 all over!

I was bouncing, unable to keep still as Ari walked me to the car.
"Calm down baby"She said as she placed a quick kiss to my lips, instantly i melt into her arms.
I don't think i'll get used to her kissing me, and we've only kissed twice!

"Mhm"I mumbled happily as she opened the door for me.
"Why thank you kind woman"I said as I got in, the both of us giggled as she closed the door.
"We have to wait for the others. You had fun?"She asked with a hopeful smile.
"YES!"I squealed."I was not! Expecting it to be this much fun! The gang always eats when it comes to birthdays though"I giggled happily.
"Good"She mumbled lowly, her hand grasping my neck.
I jumped from the sudden action before she pulled me into a kiss.

"OH MY GOD!"We hear someone scream and pull away slowly, I say looking lost in a daze and Ari looking lost in me.
"YOU BITCHES KISSING NOW?"Simone asked laughing.
Trix stood there with a stank face"Cuh not Ariana took my bitch"
"She ain't no one's bitch, my girl."Ari stated with an eye roll, I giggled.
"PLEASE THE GIGGLE"Liz laughed. The three of them jumped into the car.
"The boys staying?"
They shook their heads"They decided to have a sleepover of their own. We waiting on 2 other girls though"
"Meee!"Victoria said"Oh and Billie"
"Wow."Billie said.
"Okay fuck you too"Victoria scoffed with a giggle.
I patted the seat next to me, signaling for billie to sit there.

"Hi Riy"
"Yall talk to each other like yall known each other"
"I followed her on insta nd slid in them dms"
"You can slide in something else"I playfully flirted.
"Cut that out"Ari huffed.
"Dont worry mama we can do a threesome"
Everyone burst into laughter, including Ari.

The driver then started to play music.
"SINGING IN THE SHOWER!"We sang once the song 'Shower' by Becky G came on.
"YOU LIGHT ME UP INSIDE! LIKE THE FOURTH OF JULY!"We sang loudly, giggling and having fun.
This was definitely the best birthday.

"Take it down"Ari seduced.

I chug the strong ass drink down, hoes over here giving me straight vodka and shit I just turned 21 they better calm this shit down.
"Ou let's do some gay shit"
"I CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN SUCH ACTIVITIES"Simone shouted over the loud music.
"AND WHY THE FUCK NOT?!"We all asked.
"Me and, me and S'vaughn going steady"

"Okay okay billie,"I huffed grabbing her jaw, letting her slowly blow the smoke into my mouth.
I inhaled and blew it back into hers, we leaned in and started to make out.
"OHUUUUUUU!"Everyone started cheering.
"Bro Riy let me eat Whipped cream off your body"
I pulled away from billie choking on a laugh.
Everyone turned to Ariana look shocked as I sat laughing.
"For real?"
"Hell fuck yea"
"Bet."I agreed.

"De'riyah be getting frisky when she drunk"Victoria stated.
"Shol' nd the fuck do"

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