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𝒜𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒶'𝓈   𝓅𝑜𝓋
I turn to Mykel, and give him the papers Riya told me to put in my purse before we came here to Brandon's house.
"Thanks ma"

Now I'm not gone lie, Mykel was fine as fuck, but I don't know if he has a partner. I've asked Riya about him a few times but she never says much.

"So Ariana,"I turn my head to Mykel again.
"You got a boyfriend?"
I laugh and shake my head no." You know this already"
He laughs with me"I'm just making sure ain't no body tryna take my place"

I roll my eyes, with my face getting flush."What ever"
I could feel Riyas cold glare staring at us, I knew why, but I also didn't.

"De'riyah, stop glaring at them and tell me what you want yo hairstyle to be" Simone directed, I brushed her looks off and continued my conversation with Mykel.

"So you got a girlfriend? Boy friend? Crazy ex?"
I laugh, he licked his lips and my eyes wondered down to his full looking lips, I let my eyes linger on his lips a while longer before going back up to his eyes.
"Na, no relationship. I got a baby mama tho, she not crazy she real cool"
"Oh so you out here being a Daddy?"
He laughs"Hell yea, I'd do anything for my son. I'm around as much as possible. I don't want to be how my pops was to me you know?"
I nod my head listening to the words he spoke, there's nothing more attractive to me then a man who'd do anything for his kid.
"Ugh you're to good"
"Not really, life jus give us some hard lessons you know? We learn and grow, or we can hate and stay slow. You feel me?"
"Yea I feel you"I smile softly.
"How bout me and you hang out sometime, riy been hogging you all to herself and shit"He laughed lighting his joint.
"Yea id like that"
"Bet gimme yo number"
He smiled, giving me his phone. I tap my number in and saved it as "My Ari😍"
He laughs lightly at the name, "I texted you"
Just as he said my phone buzzed in my purse, I reach to grab it and seen De'riyah had texted me as well.

Riyriy❤️😘- you like him?
Wife material🔪💍- what?

I look up from my phone to see her with a pout, she either had an attitude or she was about to cry but she hates people seeing her cry so it's def a attitude.

Riyriy❤️😘- do you like him Ariana
Wife material🔪💍- riy be for real
Riyriy❤️😘- whatever bru
I look over at riy confused, only getting a sigh and eye roll. Okay woah. Who is she catching a attitude with? I will fuck her little ass-ouuuu. I sigh heavily.

"Yo you okay?" Mykel asks me softly, I look up at his concerned eyes and smile softly. "Yea I'm okay"
"What happened?"
I shook my head"Just work stuff"I say, then riy storms off.
"Baby?"Simone called out,"I'll check on her"I say getting up and speeding after her.

"De'riyah!"I say once we're in the bathroom together.
"What?"she asked annoyed, I could hear in her voice she was finna scream at me or cry.
"What's the matter gorgeous?"

She scoffed"don't call me that"
I frowned deeply"what?"
"I said don't call me that"She said to me as if I was slow.
I ball my fist before taking a quick deep breath.
"What's the matter?"
"Wouldn't you like to know"
"Yes I would that's why I'm fucking asking"
"You're what's the matter"
"Me?"I tilt my head with a frown.
"Yes! You! And your dumbass flirting!"She groaned angrily and paced around.
"Okay woah, what flirting? I haven't been flirting"
"Right so you and Mykel just, okay Bru" She was getting really mad so I knew she was about to cry.
"Riya, you're beautiful, and I love spending time with you. But what the fuck? Me and you aren't dating. I can talk to people if I want."

She nods her head as tears streamed down her face.
"Get out."
"Riy no, okay that sounded wrong I'm sorry I just mean,"
"I don't care, get out"
"Get out Ariana! Get the fuck out!"She yelled.
I froze, I didn't want to leave and she's crying like that.
I roll my eyes and grab her by the waist, holding her close to me.
She pushed and hit before eventually giving in and letting me hold her as she sobbed uncontrollably.
"I know you're mad, I know and I'm sorry for angering you, I really am."
She hiccuped and cried.
"Sh sh it's okay riy, it's okay I'm here okay? No one's gonna take me away from you I swear it. Is that the problem? Hm? You're scared I'm gonna leave?"I ask softly, running my hand through her curls as she nodded her head.
"Look but I'm right here, I'm right here no one could ever take me away from my Riyriy. Okay?"I smiled softly as she started to calm down. I slowly slid us down till we were sitting on the floor. Her face was tucked in my neck and my left arm was holding her waist while the right hand ran through her curly hair.

"You're an asshole"She weakly told me, then sniffled.
I laughed lightly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for what I said to be that harsh. And I didn't mean it like that either-"
"No it's okay. You're right me and you aren't together. Just friends"She pulled away from me. That hurt, I don't think I want to be just friends with her but, Mykel he's so, and I can't have them both. I'm so fucked.

"Na I don't wanna make you chose so I'll make it easy for you. Go to Mykel"
"No I'm sure you're more attracted to him and I'm talking like we've discussed this or some shit"She laughed lightly.
"I was starting to catch feelings for you Ari, that's why I was so angry."
She looked at me as I finally grabbed her attention.
"God damn girl"I giggled" Riy I like you too, but I want whatever this is to grow until we can't not give in to each other"

"Crazy bitch. That's that tease shit Bru. You finna be having me a mess every time we hang out and imma do the shit right back until we fuck each other up then be overly obsessed and in love. That's them mental games"She huffed.
I laughed loudly.
"GIRLL!"I laughed.
"It's not even-"I tried talking but I could NOT control my laughter.
"Mtch"She smacks her lips.

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