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𝒜𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓋
I decided to stay the night at Riyahs house, per her request.

I loved being around her though so of course I complied.
She was playing music, while cooking in the kitchen, and the sight was the cutest thing i've seen.
The song she was playing 'Ive got a crush on you' by Frank Sinatra.

She was slow dancing with herself, turning in slow circles, a huge grin on her face as she sang the lyrics to me.
"I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie"She sang with a giggle.
Her birthday was so close, and I was all too excited to spend her special day with her.
It's literally in 3 hours.
She wanted to cook and eat before the clock turns to 12AM.
Whatever she wanted. The gang has everything together, her dress, the place is rented out, and the people Liz invited, are people I know my sweet Riyah will love to see for the first time.

"You're too cute"I smiled, my elbows placed on the counter as I watched her dance around in the kitchen.
"Oh my gosh! I haven't heard this song in forever!"She gasped, I gave a questioning look. What the fuck is this?
"GIRL!? This has been my shit since my mom played it for me when I was little, It's called Real Deal it's by Maths Time Joy, J Warner, and Sinéad Harnett. And omg I love her songs!"

"cuh your egos screaming so loud"She sang perfectly, I couldn't help but stare with admiration.
I smiled at her as she sang each lyric beautifully.
Trust, I know when someone has good singing pipes, and this girl can sang.
"And that's the real, the real deal"She sang bopping her head with a sassy shoulder roll. This girl is a character.
"You want, chicken and shrimp, just chicken, or just shrimp?"She questioned grabbing the plates as the food was now done, she wanted to make soup but I wasn't in the mood for it.
"Mhmh, just shrimp"I said, she nodded turning around to add the extra shrimp.
"Here you go mama"She said handing my plate,"Thank you gorgeous"I smiled.
She then made her plate and poured us both a glass of wine.
"Shit,"She said in disbelief.
"Im getting old"She said with a fake sob then started giggling, I rolled my eyes.
"Just barely, mother fucker I'm closer to pushing 30"I scoffed.
She giggled"You right, old ass"
I smacked my lips"Okay not too fucking much,"

We sat at the bar eating our food and enjoying our conversation when my alarm went off.
I turned it off and turned back to De'riyah with a huge grin.
She laughed,"Thank you baby"She said smiling hard.

"Your 21, you're officially, a legal drinker."
She rolled her eyes taking a sip of the wine.
"Oh this good"She said with a giggle.

We sat talking for a little more, then put our dishes away and went up to go to bed.
"Yo day is full today, you gone be real busy, having fun of course, but you gone be really busy. Okay?"
"So mad busy all day?"She questioned, her head tilting with a small smirk. I nodded.
"Mmh, so I won't have time to play with you?"She questioned walking closer to me, her tone dripping with lust.

My words get caught in my throat, fuck she's so fine.
"De'riyah"I spoke, but it came out sounding more like a whine.
"So needy for me,"She purred, once she was close enough she snatched me by my waist and had her lips grazing mine.
"You know what I'd love for my birthday?"
"W-What?"I panted.
"A kiss, from you. To touch all over you, mark you even"She said with a sultry laugh. I groan, then she pulls away.
"Anyways let's go to sleep"She yawned, making her way to the bed and getting situated while I stayed standing there, stuck.
"Fucking tease."I mumbled harshly as I went to lay down beside her.

It's morning now and I had my makeup crew come to do De'riyahs' makeup, she woke up kinda late but it's okay.

Getting her all dressed up and ready, she's already showered and shit we just have to go the the place get her changed there, and then party started.

"You look so pretty,"I gawked.
She smiled shyly"Thank you"

They were finally done with her look so we were in the car driving to the ball room.
"I'm so excited!"She squealed.
I laughed"I know!"
The rest of the drive was us singing and dancing to songs until we finally reached the ball.

I got out, and went around to open her door.
"Thank you"She said with a smile.
"You're quite welcome m'lady"I smiled.

I held my hand out for her, which she took and I walked her towards the doors.
"YES YOU HERE CMON!"Liz rushed, taking riyah away to put her dress on.

They were gone for like 15 minutes before they finally came back, and my jaw dropped!
"Damn baby you look good"Trix smiled, a smile smirk on her face.
"Not too much"I huffed.
"Damn!"Dee said as he seen Riyah.
"You look absolutely perfect"I smiled.
"Okay, every body else? Get y'all asses dressed!"Liz huffed, she was already dressed in a white top with a matching skirt.
All of us wore white except for De'riyah, so she was the center of attention, and my god did she look beautiful.

Just then after everyone was dressed the guest started swarming in.
There was few celebrities and a bunch of people Riyah apparently knows or used to know.
It was the cutest sight to see her interact with everyone at the party. It seemed everyone was having fun.

"May I have this dance?"I asked as a slow song now came on, I held my hand out for the previous birthday girl.
"While of course you can"

Her dress and nails!! Please comment guys it gives me more motivation to write🫶🏾

Her dress and nails!! Please comment guys it gives me more motivation to write🫶🏾

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