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The girl jumped not knowing they where there,
"No" she said In a shaky voice.
"Hey,hey it's okay, we're here" Kitt said siting down with her arm around the crying girl.
"What's your name?" Kitt asked
"Alondra" she replied,
"That's a beautiful name" Kitt smiled, which made Alondra smile and calm down. The girls talked until she was ready to leave.

"ALONDRA?" Someone yelled
"Baby where are you?" They added, a woman came in with a worried look, looking down at the 3 on the floor.

"Oh! estás bien? te duele, no corras así estábamos preocupados" the lady said, Kitt assumed it was her mother.
"Mom!" She said jumping in to her arms for a hug, the lady looked at Kitt and Lily and mouthed 'thank you'.

They walked out to see the grown was still there but there where security guards pulling them away, there was 3 people standing there, one boy with curly brunette hair, another that looked exactly like Alondra, and this girl with curly brown hair.

Kitt and Lily started walking away until there was a tap on kitts shoulder, she turned around to see  the boy who looked like Alondra.
"Hi I'm sorry I just wanted to say thank you for making sure she was okay" he said smiling,
"No, yeah it's okay" she replied,
"Maybe I could get your snap?" He asked, she froze, he was so cute and he asked for her snap, that was crazy.
"Yeah of course, here" she said adding her self on his snap.

The girls ended up talking about this all night,
"Hey Lily? Do you think I can stay over At your tonight?" Kitt asked
"Yeah sure, is everything okay?" She asked, Kitt smiled and nodded.

She wasn't okay. The reason why she didnt want to go back home was because of her parents, her dad was abusive and her mom did do anything about it, she would tell her she deserved it and would hit her to. She has a whole room to herself at lilys, since they've known each other since kindergarten, she has clothes and essentials there to.

They arrived at her house and went up to lilys room, Kitt texted her mom saying she's staying here for a bit.

                                  Kitty 🐱
          I'm staying at lilys for a bit.

What why

Kitty 🐱
Because I don't want to be with you or dad

You  little shit, after everything I did for you, you do this?
Read 6:54pm

"What she say?" Lily asked
"Yes" she lied
After about 30 minutes Kitt got a notification from Snapchat.

Hey 👋

Hi 👋


Nothing, you?

Yeah same

I have a question, why did you want to get my snap? I mean your famous and I'm just..a girl?

Your not just a girl, you helped my sister and you seem cool, what's your name?

It's in my username... Kitt

Oh yeah right sorry lol

No all good 😊

They ended up talking for hours, it's not 9:34 and they got to know so much about each other, he knew Lily was there. Lily even saw Kitt smiling while he answered her questions or even just her writing back.

Yeah!! 🤭 um would you feel comfortable face timing?

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