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you have been added to 'spamzone' group chat.

Miguel- Robinyy 🫶🏻
Mason- shy kid uwu 🥹
Madeline- georgie 2.0 🤩
Brady- Bradzila 🦖
Tristan- 🫡 president
Jordan- Danny 🍒
Becca- Becky boo 🍻
Kitt- meow 😻

   Kitt has been added to the chat

Shy kid uwu 🥹

Robinyy 🫶🏻

Meow 😻

Shy kid uwu 🥹

Meow 😻
How did you get my snap lol?

Shy kid uwu 🥹
Oh, well I'm glad you asked, I stole Miguel's phone and found your snap so I added you to our group chat 🥝🥝

Meow 😻
Oh okay lol, are y'all their yet?

Shy kid uwu 🥹
Yeah we all are, just waiting for you two, we are all reading this texts rn Miguel left to got get food bc he's a gentleman yk? 😏

Meow 😻
Yeah okay, we are 10 minutes away be there soooooooon!
Liked by shy kid uwu 🥹


That was unexpected. She didn't think she would be added to the black phones cast group chat, she didn't even know they all where going to be their...
"Hey, did you know that their all their?" Kitt asked Lily, she shakes her head no and looks back out the window. Odd if you ask me.

"Okay here we are girls" lilys mum said with a smile get out and helping them out.
"Remember, be patient they are famous and there would be heaps of people asking for photos autographs and everything. Okay?" She tells the girls like they didn't already know, they nod and start walking to the entrance, they get in side and wow, it's crazy, there's people everywhere getting scared and scaring people and all the lashing lights and colours.

There, there he is. She doesn't take her eyes of Miguel and using her hands to find where Lily is.
"It's Miguel" she points out not blinking,
"What where there is about 100 people just here right now" she says, "oh there he is!" She adds walking up to him. Kitt runs to her and pulls her back,
"No,no, you can't just walk up to them like that, they are taking photos and signing shoes and shit" she said annoyed standing with her arms crossed. They waited.

"Excuse me?" Some one tapped Kitts shoulder, she turns around to see... mason?
"Mason?" She asked squinting her eyes to see his face,
"Yeah!" She says pulling his arms out for a hug, she does so.
"How are you?" He asked pending the hug,
"Yeah good, you?" She replied.
They had a conversation till someone was behind her,
"Miguel!" She said hugging him and him doing the same,
"Kitt! I missed you" he laughed.
She ended the hug from this fall figure standing on her side.

"Ahh!" She screamed get scared from a bird looking tall ass man, Mason and Miguel laughed, making her laugh with.
After meeting everyone else, they decided to do the 'the black phone maze' non of them has done it before so it's new to all.

"I'm most definitely not going first" Brady put his hands up walking back a bit,
"Brady just go you wussy" Tristan said pushing him in.

Everyone slowly walked in, Miguel and Kitt where so close from touching each others hands but no one released. Walking down a dark hallway nothing was happening, suspicious Kitt thought. Just than a man dressed as the grabber jumped out at them 'trying' to hit them with his axe.
"AHHH!" They all screamed ducking down and holding on to Escher other and crawling away.

Now they where in the kitchen,
"Hey I Exscape out of their!" Mason said proudly pointing at the door, everyone laughed at his cockyness and finished the maze with 4 more jump scares.
"That was hectic if you ask me" Kitt giggled,
"Yeah 100%, is there anymore?" Brady said huffing and puffing, ever one bursted in to laughter.
", you nearly died in there man" Miguel managed to get out taking breaths of air from laughing.

After finding a seat to sit down for a minute or so, the others where taking photos, signing shoes and that while Kitt got a text from her mom.


There is a wedding and I want you to come, and you need a date.

I'll pass

I wasn't asking, I was telling you , you will come with a date or I'll set you up with my friends son.

Mom you can't do that

Already did little slut  😉

I hate you

Did she hate her? Yes,yes she did. When Kitt was 12 she did self harm for the first time, all because of her mom. She didn't care what she would say to Kitt, she would say she hates her or to kill her self, she's a whore, a slut, a hoe. There the common ones, and now her mother forcing her to hook up with this random guy... she can't take it anymore.

"Hey Kitt you good?" Miguel asked.

I lied this is not as long as I wanted it to be, I just woke up at 4 am and now it's 5:45am less gooo. It didn't take me at long I was reading stuff for inspo and found some! I'll mention them in the next chapter!!

Loser, Miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now