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Holy fucking shit!!! Miguel cazarez mora just asked Kitt to face time?.. yes, yes he did.
"Ya yo.. Miguel asked me to FaceTime" Kitt told Lily, Lily's face was like she just say a gosht she was shocked.

"Say YES!" She damned, Kitt typed in "yes" but was to scared to answer. But Lily had enough and pressed send for her,
"LILY?! WHAT THE HELL" Kitt panicked, fixing her hair and making sure her rooms is clean and she looked nice. Which she did, she was so beautiful and she knew it but she couldn't believe herself.

Miguel called her.

She was looking at him, because of this Snapchat things where when someone calls the person can see them. He was nervous, he was covering his mouth and chin leaning on something.

She answered, they where in awkward silence for about 10 seconds both trying not to laugh,
"Hey" he laughed.
"Hi, this is awkward" she answered laughing with him.
"Yeah well, what did you think about the movie?" He asked, referring to the black phone because that's what they where texting about before.

"Yeah it's really good, Madeline did so well I nearly cried when she was getting hit with the belt" she told him "you all did an amazing job" she added.
"Thank you it means a lot to us" he smiled. The two where on call for about half an hour, Lily would pop in and out to answer questions or ask them. Kitt still didn't know what was going on.

"Oh and how's Alondra?" Kitt asked
"Yeah she's really good,here let me get her" he said,
He turned him self on mute and called her over, she looked really happy which was good.

"Hi!" She said exited
"Hi!" Kitt said with the same energy, "what you doing today?" Kitt added,
"Going shopping for Halloween" Alondra said,
"That's exciting, what you going as?" Lily asked
"Well of course Robin" she giggled.
"Are you doing anything for Halloween?" Miguel asked,
"Yeah we're going to this party and then trick or treating because, you can never be to old" Kitt laughed,
"Agreed, Well maybe you could come to the horror night with me and my friends?" He asked.

"Wow that would be amazing, Lily? What do you think?" Kitt said
"Of course! It looks so fun" Lily replied.

They ended the call, planing about the big days ahead of them.
"Okay horror nights, wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, but miss a little on Friday bc of the party, then trick or Treating on Halloween!" Kitt planned also texting miguel that.

Why would he invite girls he just met?

This is rushed a bit sorry for any spelling mistakes or it don't make sense x

Loser, Miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now