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Hola... this is a bit short sorry, I did this at school and got in trouble 👿, but no it's lunch and I needed to say this.... Should I make a Chris/Matt x Reader? I really want to and I have great ideas but I'm not going to if no one is going to read it! Luv ya


"Um yeah I'm-im fine" Kitt responds not so sure if she should lie to him, "where's Lily?" She added, Miguel points to where mason and Madeline where, "she's there, we are planning on going soon so we can have a sleepover wanna come?" He saids with great hope she'll come, she smiled and nodded yes standing up and walking over to Lily.

"Can I talk to you for a second please?" Kitt asked pulling Lily away from the rest,
"Hello?.." Lily says, "you good?" She continues, Kitt sighs softly and looks down at her feet.

"My mum is making me go to a wedding, and I have to go with the random guy" she says sadly, Lily puts her hand in her shoulder for comfort.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Kitt" she says,
"I mean maybe he's not that bad?" She tries to cheer her up but instead gets a phone Shuffled in her face...a picture of a 18 year old nerd. "That's.him." Kitt says so pissed off,
"Dam" Lily says
"Dam?" Kitt Copies
"Sorry" She says
"No don't be sorry, your right Dam, Pedo much?" Kitt says looking at her phone,
"OH MY GOD" Lily yells, "WHAT IF YOU TAKE MIGUEL INSTEAD?!!?" She says shaking Kitt, "Are you crazy?!"

"Yes..yes I am" Lily says walking away and to Miguel, " Kitt needs a date to wedding" she say with no expectation and walks back to Kitt who's standing there in shook. "You didn't just do that.." she says
"Do what?" Lilys asks confused,
"TELL MIGUEL I NEED A DATE TO A WEDDING?!" She yells, putting her hand over her mouth releasing what she just yelled out.

"And you just told everyone here to" Lily smiles walking back to Mason and Madeline who was looking at them.

Shit...like big time, she now was about to stand up a pedo, and now everyone knows that she wants Miguel was her date to a wedding, is life gonna get any worse? She thinks to herself.

"Kitt!" Miguel yells "you need a date to a wedding?" He asks,
"Ye-yeah" she yes nervously, "if I don't then I have to fit with this 18 year old nerd" she adds looking right at Miguel.

"What's the date?" He asks

Loser, Miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now