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Kitt turns around to see the one and only Miguel.
"Oh sorry am I in your way?" She said moving to the fridge, he shakes his head and leans on the bench.
"I just wanted to talk" he says "just us".
"Well what do you want to talk about?" She asked getting a Pepsi out of the fridge,
"Us", he didn't move at all, just looking at Kitt with a little smile and his head down low.

" I don't think there's anything interesting about 'us'.." she says walking closer to him, he gives her a confused look like she was went to know something she didn't.
"Oh, we'll never mind" he walked away and back to his spot on the couch.

Did she do something wrong?

"I've never played this game before" Kitt said, putting her foot in the the circle with everyone else.
"Bro, you've never played hide and seek?!" Tristan was shocked, he's never new anyone who hasn't played the most famous and simple game before. She shaked her head.
"Well two people will bc counting and the others have to hide and not get found" Maddy said informing her about what they where doing.

"How have you never played?" Brady asked,
"Let's just say I don't have a fun time at home" Kitt said looking down getting ready to play.

"Okay, dip dip, you are dog shit, you are not it" mason said Pointing to Kitts foot, she dragged her foot out and stepped back. They did this until there was three people left, Mason,Brady and Miguel.

"NOO!" Tristan complained knowing he is IT with Miguel, "I hate being IT" he added walking over to Miguel.
"To bad, one minute" Mason said dragging Kitt with him.

"Okay we need to find the best spot to not get caught" he said running upstairs with her, "here! This is perfect" he pointed to a cupboard.
"I'll go on the top you on the bottom" Kitt said climbing up to the top while mason did what she said, closing the doors.

It's now been about two minutes and they haven't found them yet, everyone has been found.
"AAH! FOUND YOU!" Tristan yelled and jumping in excitement. Mason and Kitt climbed out and high fives each other on being found last.

But Miguel wasn't talking to Kitt at all.

Loser, Miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now