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Tuesday 27th October

"I'm so bored, wanna go to Victoria secret?" Lily asked,
"Bro we're 15,what we gonna buy there?" Kitt asked,
"Perfume?" Lily replied.

Kitt agreed and asked lilys mum to drop them off, then they arrived at the Mall. "So, are you excited for horror nights?" Lily asked walking in the the shops,
"Yeah of course, you?" Kitt replied,
"Yeah, I'm just not a horror fan" she said,
"Lily.. this is all about horror are you crazy?!" Kitt said,
"I know I'm sorry" Lily apologised walking in to Victoria secret,

This was awkward, there where 30-60 year older son here... wouldn't there be younger people?
They went to where the perfume is and picked out 2 each, they payed and walked out to get food.

"Okay.... So MacDonalds or subway?" Kitt asked, Lily was so stuck and didn't know what to pick,
"Subway?.." she said not so sure,
"I'm a do MacDonalds, we'll meet there okay?" Kitt said pointing to empty seats. Lily agrees and walks to subway, and Kitt to MacDonalds.
"Um, a mc chicken and large coke please" Kitt said to the MacDonalds worker behind the counter.
"Yep, your numbers 024, move" she said is Attitude and Kitt walk to the waiting bay after paying.

About 5 minutes she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to see.
"Madeline?!" She said surprised,
"Hi!" She said with the same energy, they hugged and Kitt got her food,
"Omg Miguel keeps on talking about you and I saw you so I thought I'd say hi!" She laughed,
"Omg yeah, are you going to horror nights?" Kitt asked,
"Yep, I go ever time" she answered walking to Lilys and kitts spot.

"Well it was lovely meeting you! See you on horror nightsss!" She said expanding the 'S',
"Bro are we gonna meet the whole cast?" Lily said shocked, Kitt was just in her own word thinking about something.

'Why does Miguel kee talking about me?' 'Was if an annoying way?' 'Or a nice way' 'does he like me?' 'No! He's to famous for me' Kitt thought.

"Hello?!" Lily said waving her hand in her face,
"Sorry" Kitt apologised,
"Did you even hear anything I was saying?" She asked annoyed,
She just gives her a look and eats her MacDonalds.

It's now 9:30pm and the girls are home getting their outfits ready for the next few days, tomorrow is the first horror night and Kitts planing on wearing this long sleeve skim black tank top with dark green gargo pants with converses.
And Lily wearing this singlet that's says 'miss Dior' and flare jeans and air forces 1s.

"It's gonna be cold" Lily said stating the obvious,
"I know but the fits are cute and I don't wanna wear a jacket" Kitt said picking up her clothes and placing them on a chair, Lily doing the same.
"You have a skin care products?" Kitt asked 
"Duh" Lily rolled her eyes walking in her bathroom.

They took off their makeup, put cleanser and toner on, with a bit of serum, eye cream, night cream and lip mask for extra. They got in PJS and got in to bed watching outer banks simping over Jj and Rafe. And ended up going to bed at 11.

Tomorrow is a big day...

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