1 : ̗̀➛ teyvat

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Tw for this chapter: reader's knocked out ig? that's about it for now tho


Y/n sighed as they opened up their apartment door. It'd been a long day. Between going to college and working part-time, Y/n was drained. They walked in, locked the door, took their shoes off and placed down their bag, and then proceeded to walk to their room. Their roommate wasn't home yet, fortunately, so Y/n had the place to themselves for a bit. They walked into their room and plopped down onto their bed. They got their phone which was currently at 13%. They grabbed their charger before looking through all their socials to catch up on what they'd missed while they were busy.

After that, they looked through any games they had and eventually landed on Genshin Impact. They had taken a bit of a break, feeling burnt out. But since they didn't have much to do at the moment, they decided why not log back in. Since Y/n hadn't played in a hot minute, primogems awaited in their in-game mailbox. Y/n cheerfully collected them and decided to make a few 1 pulls. Unfortunately, all they were greeted with was the oh-so wonderful debate club.

With a sigh, Y/n turned their phone off. They glanced at the time, it was 7:50 PM. They decided they should go to sleep early for once. They yawned and organized what they could in their bedroom before shutting off the lights and burying themselves in their pillows, covering themselves entirely with their soft, warm blanket. It wasn't hard falling asleep, it'd been a while since Y/n got a much need break.


Their phone alarm blasted out loud. Y/n quickly sat up, noticing the ground felt very different. It didn't feel soft nor warm like their bed? Y/n looked down.
"What the hell?" They pondered.
It was...dirt and grass? They looked around themselves, there was a body of water nearby and a few trees. Is this a dream? You know come to think of it, this place looks oddly familiar. A few meters away there were some circular figures. They looked jiggly. Suddenly, they moved and stared at Y/n before quickly beginning to bounce over to them.

The closer they got, the more Y/n realized they very closely resembled slimes from Genshin Impact. Are they dreaming? Yes, surely this is a dream, right? Y/n merely sat dumbfounded, staring as the slimes approached them. When they got close, they didn't do anything. They only stared at Y/n.
"What is going on...?" Y/n mumbled.
The slimes got closer and they seemed to...nuzzle themselves against Y/n's legs? Well this sure is a weird dream.

After a bit, the slimes pulled away and bounced away before stopping and looking back at Y/n.
"Do you want me to...follow you?" Y/n asked.
The slimes jumped up and down as if to say yes. Y/n sighed and decided to follow them.

The more Y/n followed the slimes, the more they began recognizing their surroundings. This seemed like it was near the Dawn Winery? Oh is that where they're headed? Maybe Diluc's there then? It's worth checking, Y/n decides.

The slimes, as if reading Y/n's mind, lead them to the entrance of the Dawn Winery. Strangely enough, there's no one outside. Not a single maid or butler can be seen. Y/n doesn't think much of it and knocks on the door. There's no answer. Y/n goes to knock again but they accidentally open the door. They're slightly startled but decide to walk in.
"Hello?" They call out, the slimes following behind them closely.
There's no answer.

Y/n turns swiftly but they're hit by something just as quickly. The last thing they see before blacking out is the slimes bouncing and jumping around them, seemingly trying to protect them.

To Be Continued

a/n: wooo first chapter

a/n: wooo first chapter

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