3 : ̗̀➛ care for some pancakes?

889 33 5

Tw for this chapter: cursing as usual


Y/n had gone to sleep that night confused about everything. What was going on? All they remember is falling asleep and then suddenly being in the world of Teyvat? At first, they believed this to be a dream but now? They weren't so sure anymore.

Y/n awoke the next morning. They sat up and stretched. They could see through their window, it was pretty early. Hm surely Diluc wasn't awake at this hour, right? With that thought in mind, Y/n hatched a plan to make him like them more.

It started with them getting up and trying their best to navigate their way through the huge manor, and all the way into the kitchen. There seemed to be no one awake yet? Maybe they were all still sleeping? Nevertheless, Y/n continued by looking through some cabinets, all the while trying to keep the noise to a minimum. They were able to gather enough ingredients to start making breakfast. Of course, while they were trying to make Diluc trust them a bit more, they were also going to make breakfast for all the staff. After all, they work hard every day, so why not help make their day at least a bit better by taking breakfast off of their To-Do list?

Soon, the aroma of freshly made pancakes filled the kitchen and possibly even other rooms of the manor as people started peeking into the kitchen. Eventually, Diluc himself walked into the kitchen. He looked down at a plate reserved for him.
"I made pancakes! I hope you like them." Y/n smiled, startling Diluc.
"Oh, yes, thank you," He mumbled.
"Though I prefer waffles." He said, taking the plate and leaving for the dinner table.
Y/n gawked at him as he left.
"You ungrateful little shit." They grumbled.


Breakfast was pretty quiet. No one really talked. Mostly everyone sat far away from Y/n except Diluc who sat next to them, eating his pancakes. Y/n picked at their food, mind wandering to their current situation. What were they supposed to do? They wanted to go home. Even though being transported to another world seemed fun and exciting, Y/n was anxious and would much rather be home.

Soon enough everyone had finished breakfast and left to go complete their respective tasks for the day. Though Diluc stayed behind.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked.
Y/n snapped out of it and looked up at the man in front of them.
"Just...you know," They took a bite of their food.
"My current situation. I mean- What do I even do?" They said.
Diluc hummed.
"Well, we definitely need to make sure Teyvat is safe for you so," Diluc stood up.
"I'll try my best to come up with a plan to help you." He said.

Y/n stared up at him.
"I thought you were unsure that I was the Creator? Why are you being so nice to me?" They asked, confusion written on their face.
Diluc nodded.
"I am unsure. However, I have a way to make sure," He grabbed Y/n's now empty plate as well as his.
"Please, rest up. We'll talk more about it tomorrow." With that, he walked away.

To Be Continued

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