7 : ̗̀➛ plan

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sorry for the long wait, im back 🤥

Tw for this chapter: none (?)


"Your grace, wake up." Albedo muttered softly, gently nudging Y/n awake.
Y/n opened their eyes slowly and sat up. "Good morning." They mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.
Albedo smiled, "Good morning, your grace. I've prepared some breakfast if you're hungry." He said.
"Oh, thank you." Y/n said.

They got up and walked over to the campfire where Kaeya sat and offered them a plate of food. But just before Y/n could take it, Kaeya pulled away. "Ah, hold on just a minute," He grinned. "I'll give it for a price." He said, winking.
Y/n grumbled. "What?"
Diluc had finally woken up and looked at Kaeya with a glare. "It's early in the morning, don't start." He mumbled sleepily.
Kaeya rolled his eyes and gave Y/n their food. "Fine." He grumbled.

Albedo was off in a corner doing...who knows what. Eventually, he came over to the small group who'd all huddled around the campfire by now. "Alright, I've gathered some things we'll need for our trip to the city." He informed the rest of the group.

"I think it would be best if we left your grace-"
Y/n interrupted him, "Can you guys please just- stop calling me that? Just call me Y/n." They said, rubbing their temple with a sigh.
Albedo blinked but nodded. "Very well. I think it would be best if we left Y/n somewhere safe. It'd attract negative attention if we brought them with us everywhere. Especially considering the fact that we'll be looking for Barbara at the church first." He said.

Diluc nodded. "Understandable. We don't want to put them in danger after all. But where would we leave them?" He asked.
"I was thinking we could leave them at Dawn Winery. It's safe there, is it not?" Albedo responded.
Diluc sighed. "Yes. Is that alright with you, Y/n?" He asked, turning to look at them.
Y/n nodded. "It's fine."

Albedo then turned to look at Kaeya. "However, it's also wise to be cautious so I think it would be best if Kaeya stayed with Y/n and made sure they're safe." He said.
Kaeya grinned. "Oh? Yes, I think that would be very wise." He said, glancing over at Y/n.
Y/n groaned. "Why him?" They asked.
Albedo chuckled. "No particular reason." He stated.

He suddenly stood up. "Well, let's finish up here, and we'll head off as soon as possible." Albedo said.
Everyone nodded in acknowledgment. Hopefully, things would go right.

To Be Continued

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