6 : ̗̀➛ gold evidence

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Tw for this chapter: reader's arm is cut so blood, cursing ykyk


"Is that so?" Albedo hummed.
The Ragnvindr brothers caught him up with the recent events. Albedo listened carefully, but Y/n wasn't sure if he believed it all.
"Come with me." Albedo stated, grabbing Y/n's arm and dragging them away.
"Where are we going?" Y/n asked, trying their best not to trip as they tried to keep up with Albedo.
Albedo didn't say anything and only sat Y/n down on a chair in his camp. He pulled out some rope and tied them to the chair.

"Hey, wait," Kaeya furrowed his brows.
"Is that necessary?" He asked.
"Yes." Albedo said.
He walked to another corner of his camp, pulling out a small tube as well as a small knife. He walked back to Y/n, untied one of their arms, and placed it on top of a table. He got out a few more things and placed them on the table.

"Albedo, what are you doi-" Diluc began only to be cut off.
"You'll see." The chief alchemist cleaned his knife thoroughly.
He swabbed a spot on Y/n's arm, cleaning it before going in with the knife and performing a cut deep enough to draw blood.
"Fuck!" Y/n hissed at the pain, trying to remove their arm.
Kaeya stormed over just as the alchemist gathered the blood into the small tube.

Kaeya untied Y/n, helping them get away from Albedo.
"Would you look at that," Albedo hummed, staring at the tube with blood.
"Gold." He stated.
Diluc watched in awe as the blood in the tube as well as the blood that dripped from Y/n's arm was golden.
"So it really is true." Kaeya mumbled, looking at Y/n's wound.

"Great. We can use this as evidence." Albedo states with a small smile.
He walks over to Y/n and begins cleaning their wound and bandaging it up.
"I'm sorry, your grace. I needed to make sure it was you." He says.
"It's fine." Y/n grumbles.

"So what do you think we should do now?" Diluc asks, arms crossed.
"We could meet up with Rosaria and Barbara. I believe they would both be valuable assets for multiple reasons. After that, we'll meet with Jean." Albedo suggests.
Kaeya nods.
"First, we should rest. Tomorrow morning I'll have more detailed plans for us." Albedo says, walking through his camp and setting up sleeping bags for everyone.

He approaches Y/n, "Rest well, your grace."

To Be Continued

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