5 : ̗̀➛ the chief alchemist

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Tw for this chapter: mentions of killing reader


"Hm, yes. They look terrifyingly identical." Kaeya murmured.
He inspected Y/n who sat on a chair in the Ragnvindr manor's dining room. Diluc stood a few centimeters away, on guard in case Kaeya were to not believe him that Y/n was indeed the true creator and as a result, become aggressive.

"Say could you...um... give me a little bit of personal space?" Y/n spoke, their body clearly tense at the proximity of Kaeya's face to their own.
"Ah of course, forgive me, your grace." Kaeya apologized and stepped back a bit.
Diluc raised a brow, "So do you believe me? If not, I have evidence I can show you." He stated.
"Worry not, brother. I believe you." Kaeya smiled.

Y/n coughed, successfully getting the brothers attention.
"Okay so now that Kaeya believes us and is hopefully no longer planning on killing me, what's next? Do we go to Jean? Or Venti?" They ask curiously.
"Well, the smartest course of action would be to go to someone with power and influence but not too much as they could get aggressive and kill you," Kaeya stated.
"So I suppose we can go to the Chief Alchemist and see what he says about all of this." He said.


"Is all this necessary?" Y/n asked, face hot in all the jackets, sweaters, scarves, and gloves Diluc had given to them.
"I'm afraid it is, your grace. I'm assuming you haven't been to Dragonspine yet and the climate there isn't very friendly." The redhead replies.
"Yeah but-"
"We are simply looking out for your well-being, your grace." Kaeya smiles.
Y/n knew they couldn't fight against the stubborn brothers so they dropped it.

The trio then cautiously made their way to Dragonspine, making sure no one recognized Y/n as they went. Finally, they had made it to Albedo's camp.
"Oh, this is nice." Y/n breathed out, rubbing their hands and soaking in the warmth of the fire at the camp.
Kaeya looked around, "Where is he?" He wondered.

Out of the blue, both brothers had been knocked away and a sword had been pointed at Y/n.
"I'm afraid I don't welcome impostors in my camp." The blond spoke.
"Albedo, nice of you to show up." Kaeya mumbled, getting up slowly.
Albedo turned to Kaeya and Diluc, "Why would you both bring the imposter here? Furthermore, why haven't you killed them already?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the two men.

"Please, we need your help," Diluc stood up.
"Hear us out. That's all we ask." He says.
Albedo pauses and looks back at Y/n. They covered their body and scooted away from him.
"Very well," He sheaths his sword.
"But make it quick."

To Be Continued

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