4 : ̗̀➛ the test

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Tw for this chapter: wild animal lmao


"Alright, so about yesterday...?" Y/n asked, staring up at Diluc who stood in front of them in their bedroom.
"Well, to put it simply, from our many texts we've gathered that the Creator should be able to control many things. Amongst these things is animals." Diluc replied.
"I'm going to test whether you can control animals or not. Only then will I be sure you're the true Creator." Diluc stated, arms crossed.
"Ah, I see," Y/n hummed, a bit nervous to say the least.
"When do we start?" They asked.
"Now, follow me." Diluc said, walking away.
Y/n jumped up, trying to catch up to Diluc as he walked.

Y/n was led into, what they assumed to be, the basement of the manor. Diluc opened the door, gesturing for Y/n to walk into the mysterious room. Hesitantly, they took a step in and the door slammed shut behind them. Y/n whipped their head around, Diluc had locked them in.
"Hey! Why'd you shut the door? Let me out!" Y/n yelled, trying to open the door.
"If you can tame the beast, I'll let you out." Diluc said behind the door.

Just then, Y/n heard a growl. Before them stood a rishboland tiger. How did it even get to Mondstadt? Y/n thought they were native only to Sumeru? Did Diluc bring one here just to test them?

The tiger approached slowly but made no aggressive movements.
"Hey there, little guy." Y/n smiled nervously.
The tiger seemed to ease up. Y/n cautiously extended a hand out which the tiger quickly cuddled up to. Y/n let out a deep breath, at least they wouldn't be getting mauled to death by a tiger today. Y/n scratched behind the tiger's head and it seemed to start purring and nuzzling into their hand. A few minutes later, the tiger had made itself comfortable and fell asleep next to Y/n who sat next to it.

Diluc had pressed his ear to the door, slightly making out a sound of snoring? Carefully, he unlocked and opened the door. He watched as Y/n petted the sleeping tiger's head. There was no longer any doubt in his head, they were the Creator. Diluc opened the door wide and kneeled.
"I'm truly sorry for doubting you, your grace."
Y/n watched with wide eyes as the redhead kneeled before them.
"Diluc, stand up." They said.
Diluc swiftly stood back up.
"So what's your verdict?" Y/n asked.
"Teyvat has been deceived for too long. I believe it's time we make things right, your grace." He spoke.

Y/n stood up carefully so as to not wake the sleeping tiger.
"What do you mean exactly?" They asked.
"We need to correct every wrong the imposter has caused. The region of Mondstadt is the best place we can start with." Diluc explained.
"I see," Y/n hummed.
"When do we start?" They asked with a smile.

To Be Continued

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