8 : ̗̀➛ the silly slimes

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Tw for this chapter: someone is unconscious, that's about it i think


"We should play Uno."
Kaeya blinks, confused, "...what?" He asks.
Y/n blinks back, dumbfounded, "What do you mean 'what'?? Do you guys not have Uno? Or like a version of it?" They ask.
Kaeya raises a brow, "...no?" He says.
"Boo, Teyvat sucks," Y/n huffs. "What do you do for fun then?" They ask.
Kaeya hums, "Well, we usually go out to eat at Good Hunter. Or we take up guild quests." He says.
"...that's it?" Y/n asks.
"Yeah? What did you expect?" He snorts.

Y/n sighs, they get up and pace around the room, "What do you suppose we do while we wait? Just sit around picking our noses or...?" They huff.
Kaeya rolls his eyes, "Come on. I'm sure we can find something to do here." He says.
Y/n follows eagerly, bored of doing nothing in the winery.

Kaeya leads them both around the winery. But as expected, there really isn't much to do. So he leads them outside instead, toward the vineyard where the grapevines grow.
Y/n looks around, "You know, I thought Diluc would have more grapevines than this since he runs a winery and all." They say.
Kaeya merely chuckles, "I suppose you've got a point there."

Suddenly, a couple of slimes approach. Kaeya seems to sense them before they're even visible. He unsheathes his sword, grabbing Y/n and putting them behind him protectively.
"What? What is it?" They ask.
"Slimes." He says simply.
The slimes finally approach from around one of the grapevines, and as Kaeya is about to strike, Y/n runs past him before he can stop them.
"Your grace-"
The slimes were the ones from before, the ones Y/n had met when they'd first arrived to Teyvat. The slimes are ecstatic to see them and practically jump on them, snuggling them - or at least trying to.

Y/n laughs, embracing the silly slimes.
"Relax, Kaeya. These silly little guys are harmless." They say.
Kaeya raises a brow and approaches cautiously, "...are you sure?" He asks.
Y/n nods, "Positive. I'm fine, aren't I?" They say.
Kaeya sighs, "I suppose so." He says and visibly relaxes, sheathing his sword once more.

The slimes jump around, and some of them begin to bounce away, seemingly beckoning Y/n to follow. Y/n hums, glancing back at Kaeya.
"I think they want us to follow them." They say.
Kaeya furrows his brows. "Alright...let me go in front." He says.

Kaeya follows the slimes, making sure Y/n follows behind him. The slimes lead the two away from Dawn Winery and toward a secluded clearing in the forest. The density of the trees makes it hard to see much of the path ahead, but as Kaeya and Y/n get closer, they see a body lying on the ground.

Y/n frowns and runs over, Kaeya close behind.
"Who...?" Y/n turns the body over, their eyes settling on the unconscious person's face, and it's then that they register who it is.
Y/n gasps,


To Be Continued

a/n: heyy guys it's been a while

a/n: heyy guys it's been a while

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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