2 : ̗̀➛ eliminate

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Tw for this chapter: strong language (there's gonna be a lot of it lol), mentions of "eliminating" reader


Y/n awoke on a soft bed. Oh, the dream was over. Y/n sighed. They were hoping to meet Diluc. Maybe others, too. They tried to sit up but a weight on their stomach prevented them from doing so. It was the slimes from before. There were 3 of them to be specific and they were all cryo slimes, some of the cutest if you will.
"Well, looks like the dream isn't over yet." Y/n sighed but smiled.
Maybe they could meet Diluc after all.

Y/n stood up, careful not to have the slimes fall. They walked over to the door, the slimes following close behind. Y/n opened the door and walked out before colliding with someone, causing both them and the other person to fall back. It was a maid. She was carrying a tray of what appeared to be tea, it had all splashed on Y/n's clothes.
"Shit!" Y/n hissed at the pain.
The tea was boiling hot. The maid gasped.
"Oh I'm so sorry! Please, l-let me clean you up. Oh I'm so, so, so sorry, your grace. I didn't mean to spill the tea all over you! Oh I'm truly, truly sorry. Please, I-"

Y/n gawked at her.
"What are you talking about?" They asked.
The maid bowed down.
"Please, allow me to help you, your grace." She said.
"Your...your grace? Why are you calling me that?" Y/n asked, very confused.
Before the maid could respond, there was another voice that interrupted them.
"You're awake I see."

Y/n turned around. It was Diluc, no doubt about it. He looked just as handsome as he did through the screen. Y/n's face felt hot, and not because of the tea.
"Go get some towels and a change of clothes, please." Diluc told the maid.
"Right away, master!" She said and got up.

"Get up." Diluc said once the maid left.
Y/n looked around.
"Me?" They asked.
"Yes you." Diluc glared.
"Well jeez, no need to be an ass about it..." Y/n mumbled.
"Who are you and what's your name?" Diluc asked.
"Uhh Y/n...? Why? What the hell is going on here?" They asked.
Diluc glared harder.
"Go inside." He said, walking into the bedroom Y/n was previously in.
Y/n merely followed without a word.
"Sit." Diluc ordered.
"I'm sat," Y/n sighed.
"Now, what's going on? This dream is...very weird. Feels like I'm lucid dreaming at this point." Y/n mumbled.

Diluc raised a brow, "Dream? This is no dream." He said.
Y/n stared at him before bursting out in laughter.
"Oh! You're fucking hilarious!" They laughed.
Diluc sighed.
"Look, I'm not sure what's so funny but I can assure you this is not a dream." He said.

Y/n smiled.
"Yeah right. Cut the shit, Diluc. What's going on?" They said.
"Hmph. The truth is...you have been summoned to Teyvat for some reason and from your reactions, I'm assuming you don't know a lot." He said.
Y/n sat in silence.
"You are our divine creator. The creator of all beings, the creator of Teyvat. For whatever reason, you've come to Teyvat and it seems you have no recollection as to why." Diluc continued on.
"Wait, wait, wait. Creator? What the hell are you talking about?" Y/n asked.

Diluc stared at them.
"You are the creator of this world. Of Teyvat, to be specific. The minute you stepped foot into Mondstadt, we were sent a message to eliminate you." He said.
"Please quiet down." Diluc pleaded.
"Sorry." Y/n mumbled, looking away.
"The divine creator wants someone to get rid of you. The reason? You've got the same face as them." Diluc explained further.
"The divine creator? But didn't you say the divine creator is me?" Y/n asked, puzzled.

"You are. I've got...a hunch that we're all being deceived. There's 2 creators in Teyvat and as far as I know, one of you is an impostor," Diluc sighed.
"Everyone is going to want to kill you the second they recognize you. If you want to live, stay here for a bit." He said, standing up to leave.
"Wait," Y/n stopped him.
"If everyone wants me dead, why are you helping me?" They ask.

Diluc sighed.
"I've got an inkling that you're our true creator. I've got my reasons but until I can fully trust you, I will remain silent." He said, walking away and closing the door.

To Be Continued

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