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Time {noun} - the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.


𝓐 call came in as Olivia tried concentrating on work. Three days had passed since Marcus showed up and they argued in the kitchen.

Peter had tried again and again to apologize but she was having none of it. He had broken her trust and he knew better than anyone that it would take time to gain it back.

"Hello?" She answered, not looking at the contact name. "Olivia, my beautiful daughter!" Her father's dementia-ridden cheery voice sang through the phone.

"Father, what do I owe the pleasure of this call to?" She asked, signing off on some checks. "I talked to your brother and Theo yesterday. I'll be back in the country in three weeks for your coronation." He informed her, making her freeze.

"Three weeks? I thought I had a little longer than that." She said, lighting a cigarette as her stress levels rose. "You're right but you seem to be doing fine already! So, we're moving it up and giving you the throne early!" He cheered, Olivia could hear Monica laughing in the background.

A part of her wishes she killed her when she had the chance.

"Alright. Thank you, father." She said monotone before hanging up, not wanting to hear her father's voice any longer.

She had been running everything smoothly just her and Peter in charge so, in all reality, Lorenzo had already passed on the title. The coronation was nothing but a formality at this point.

A knock on the door had her rubbing her temples at how much work she was getting distracted from doing.

She was able to talk to her sons for a bit last night, hopefully, she'll be able to visit them next week. She desperately needed to see them.

"Come in." She sighed, wanting to get whatever conversation was about to occur over with.

"Olivia." She heard Marcus' voice ring through her office. She looked up at him, blowing smoke out. "Marcus, I seriously don't have time for this." She said running her hand through her hair.

He noticed the glistening wedding ring still on her finger, a small smile threatening to peek through.

"I know gaining back your love is going to take some time and I will wait for however long you want but, please, let me see our sons." He asked, or more pleaded, willing to get on his knees and beg if she so pleased.

Marcus was willing to do just about anything to get his family back.

"I don't know if it's a good idea. I've never even told them about you." She admitted and a part of his heart broke. He knew what he did break her heart but he never thought she'd so willingly cut him out completely of their children's lives.

"Please, they're still my boys and I can't fix this if you won't let me." She looked at him, waiting for the other ball to drop. Waiting for him to walk out and never come back again but instead, he stayed put.

"I-" She sighed, putting out her cigarette in the ashtray. "I'm going to see them next week. If you want to come with me. They're sweet so they'd probably fall into your arms quickly." She told him, watching as a smile broke onto her husband's face.

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