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Need {verb} - require (something) because it is essential or very important


"𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 you'll send pictures of those little demons?" Peter asked as he helped Olivia check that she had everything packed for the trip.

"I already told you three minutes ago when you asked." She said with a small smile, wishing he could come but someone had to stay back to take care of everything.

"I know but I want to make sure. Last time I went to see you, you didn't even let me see them." He sulked making her chuckle. "I'm sorry but I was just being cautious." He waved her off.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say." Peter was in a better mood than he usually was ever since he saw that stack of papers on his desk. Olivia forgave him the next day, not liking being mad at him for so long.

"Are you sure you want to go now? I mean, the coronation is the week you get back." She sighed, forgetting about the stupid coronation her stupid father wanted to hold.

Knowing him, he'd buy a throne and a crown and make it all as extravagant as possible.

Not because he loved his daughter and wanted to show off what a great leader she was going to be but to show off how much money he has and how great his robot turned out.

"It'll be fine. The coronation is on a Thursday and I get back on a Monday. I'll have enough time to prepare." Peter stared at her for a second with a look that said, 'sure, I believe you.'

She looked back at him before rolling her eyes. "Okay, fine, but I can't come any sooner than Monday so we'll have to deal." Peter just sighs, knowing that it was as good as he was going to get.

They finished packing just in time. Peter helped her carry her luggage downstairs to where Marcus was already waiting.

His entire time waiting downstairs he had to fight the urge to go upstairs and help her pack. After what happened yesterday in the gym, he didn't know what steps to take. So, he decided to take it slow, and wait for her to do everything.

Granted, that's what he was already doing for the most part.

"Is that all you're taking?" Olivia asks as she walks down the stairs, looking at the single duffel bag her husband was taking. Marcus looks between the two suitcases Olivia was taking and his large duffle bag before shrugging.

"You know I don't need much." She rolled her eyes at his response before coming up to tell her the plane was ready.

"Theo, keep an eye on Peter. Make sure he doesn't burn the place down." Peter scoffs, "I can hear you." Olivia looks back at him, "I know. That's the point." She gives him a snarky smile before walking up to him and hugging him.

"Seriously though, take care of yourself. I'll be back soon." Peter chuckled at her sincerity.

"I'll be fine Liv. You go and have fun with the kids and I swear if I see you doing even an ounce of work, I'm sending Theo after you." Olivia laughed, looking back at Theo just to see the man nodding.

"Okay fine, I won't touch work." She agreed before saying their final goodbyes and heading out to the car that was waiting for them outside.

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