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Rest {verb} - allow to be inactive in order to regain strength or health.


      𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪'𝓼 bed had never felt better. For the first time in weeks since she's been here, she finally sleep well.

Hell, she even overslept for once. She lay spread out on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

She turned her head slightly to look at the time, nine am. She would usually be up either doing paperwork or in one of the warehouses checking things.

But, she wasn't as anxious about still being in bed as she thought she would be. Rather, she was more relaxed and having a hard time finding the want to get out of bed.

Suddenly, her phone rang sending that anxiety she was missing straight through her body.

Please let it not be my father. She practically begged as she sat up and grabbed her phone off the nightstand.

She flipped her phone over, letting out a breath of relief when she realized it was just Tony. Which was odd considering it would be midnight in Oregon right now.

"Hello?" She answered, starting to feel worried about getting a call so late from her friend, the same friend she left in charge of her precious children.

"Hey Liv, how are you?" He sounded cheerful, little laughter could be heard from somewhere around him. "Um, I'm good? Why are you calling me so late?" She asked, finally getting out of bed.

"What? Can't I call my friend?" She raised an eyebrow, "Tony. You never call first." She said with a slight laugh.

She could practically see him rolling his eyes.

Tony and Peter would get along so well. It'd be disastrous.

"Okay fine, the boys really wanted to talk to you."

"Hi, mommy!" Ares' little voice said louder followed by a s his laughter. "Hi, mommy! Miss you!" Apollo said next, the sound of her sons' laughter filling her ears in the morning brought a smile to her face.

She'd been so busy with work she'd barely had enough time to call them.

"Hi, my precious boys! I miss you so much! How are you?" She asked, wanting to hear their voices more.

"Uncle Tony let us stay up and talk to mommy!" Apollo says excitedly before Tony scolds him lightly for outing him again. Ares giggles, "When you come home?" He asked making Olivia sigh.

"In two weeks and I have a big surprise." She says making the boys go quiet. She was scared to bring Marcus. As nice as her boys were, she didn't know how they'd respond once finding out he was their father.

"Surprise? " Ares questions, excitement lacing each letter. She hums, "Yup, a big surprise that I hope you boys love." She says, really hoping they love it.

They talked for a while longer before Olivia finally convinced them to go to bed.

They'd talked for almost an hour and in that hour she was able to get ready for work.

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