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Together {adverb} - into or close association.


      𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 stared at the house, his hands sweaty from nervousness. "Stop staring and come help me with the luggage," Olivia said as she walked passed him to the trunk of the car. He took a deep breath before going to help her.

"Why am I a nervous wreck and you're perfectly fine now?" Marcus complained as he carried Olivia's suitcases and she held his duffle bag. She shrugged, leading the way to the front door. "Maybe because I'm not the one that's meeting my kids for the first time. Now put your big boy pants on and chill out." She told him making him roll his eyes at her blatant carelessness for his feelings.

Although he knew that this sudden confidence was a mask for how nervous she was to see the boys again.

Olivia knocked on the door once before the door swung open, a tall African-American man Marcus recognized from the picture on Olivia's desk stood in nothing but a pair of boxers and a four-year-old on his hip.

"Liv! You're here!" Tony shouted, making Ares giggle. "Mommy!" Ares said before immediately bursting into tears. The poor boy had missed his mother beyond belief.

Tony and Olivia switched so that Ares was now in Olivia's arms, his little arms immediately going around her neck as he cries into her shoulder. "Come on in. Apollo is watching cartoons in the living room." Tony hadn't noticed that tall Italian man that was standing behind his best friend.

"You must be Tony." Marcus finally spoke, too scared to look at the twins yet. Tony finally looked at him, they were almost the same height but Marcus was just slightly taller. Tony gave him a smile, extending his hand so Marcus could shake it.

"Go put some clothes on before you decide to touch my husband Tony." Olivia's voice rang from in front of the couch as she stayed crouched on the floor playing with the twins.

Tony looked down at himself, almost forgetting how few clothes he didn't have on. "Sorry. I'll be right back." Marcus just shook his head laughing, watching as the man disappeared up some stairs.

He looked over to where his family sat, seeing Olivia already looking at him. "You can't avoid them forever." She said with a loving smile on her face as Apollo jumped into her arms, Ares quickly scolding his brother to not hurt her.

"I'm not avoiding them. I'm mentally preparing myself." Marcus defended himself, earning an eye roll from his wife. Apollo whispered something into Olivia's ear that made her chuckle as she looked over at her husband.

Marcus looked between his wife and child, confused at what the little twerp could've told her to solicit such a reaction. "What? What'd he say?" He said in a slight panic making Olivia and Apollo laugh amongst each other.

"He said you look like Ares," Olivia said with a smile so wide that it made Marcus forget about the world around them. Marcus chuckled, walking over and crouching down to sit beside his wife. "I don't look like Ares, Ares looks like me." He said with a smug smile as he looked over at Ares who was already looking at him.

"Apollo, Ares," Olivia started, holding onto Marcus' hand for comfort as she faced their sons who now sat in front of them. "I want you to meet someone." Ares walked up to him first, Apollo waiting for his brother's verdict on whether Marcus was a good person or not.

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