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Home {noun} - a place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates


𝓐𝓷𝔁𝓲𝓮𝓽𝔂 welled up inside Marcus as he paced around the guest room Peter and Olivia were letting him use.

He chewed on his nails as he mumbled nonsense to himself.

He was nervous, beyond nervous actually, but he didn't want Olivia to know. Hell, he didn't want Peter to know, knowing that the man he deemed his best friend would tease him about it for the rest of his life.

The same way he teased him about his crush on Olivia back in high school before he approached her at the bonfire.

Peter would die before he ever lets him forget.

The thought of seeing his sons for the first time was taking over his senses. He still remembers the day they found out they were having twins.

A slight fear came before the joy as they stood in the doctor's office.

The tears of joy fell down his face, hanging off his jaw, as he and Olivia listened to their baby's heartbeats for the first time.


"Marcus! Come here!" Olivia's voice rang throughout the house. The house they had just bought for the start is their little family.

"What?! What's wrong?! Did Peter sneak in again?!" Marcus asked rapidly as he accidentally slammed himself into the door to the nursery.

Olivia giggled as she sat in the rocking chair with her right hand on her very pregnant belly.

He looked around frantically for danger, his shirt a bit messy and his hair all over the place from falling asleep on the couch earlier.

"We put locks on all the windows remember? Even with his skills, he's not sneaking back in here." She laughed, watching her husband's shoulders deflate, relaxing.

"Come." She said, with that beautiful smile plastered on her face that made his knees weak. He knees before her, letting his lovely wife place his hand on her belly.

He was confused for a second before he felt a slight kick, then another, making a smile appear on his face.

"Apollo kicked first then I think Ares got mad at him for kicking me so he kicked his brother." They laughed at Olivia's explication.

"He hasn't even left the womb yet and he's already protecting his mother," Marcus said proudly, placing a kiss on his wife's forehead. She chuckled at how sweet he was being.

"I really hope they turn out more like you," Olivia says with a sigh, a sweet smile still on her face as she rubbed her belly.

"What makes you say that?" Marcus questioned, still on his knees as he started rubbing his wife's sore feet. The pregnancy had hindered her ability to do almost everything.

"You're nicer than I ever will be. You always see things on the bright side and you're not a bloodthirsty murderer." She said sadly, looking down at her pregnant belly, praying to whatever god or gods were out there to make her wish come true.

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