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They are cousins to the elves. and land brothers to the voidlings.

There basically hybrids but its not like created like hybrids.

They are in the 485th century while the rest are behind.

They look like a voidling elf mix but i assure you they all came from the same tree.

They have a king .

They ( also ) have spots on them. the color of it depends on the  hair/feather color of the person.

They are dimensions jumpers.

Guardians of knowledge

Been at peace for a very long time

The last war they been in was in 2027years ago human time

When angered apologies detrimentally (if you're not an end resident.)

Hates watchers bc there end land takers not end residents .

Time protectors.

They use to be in the in-between and the other-side.

They have crystals in there chests 2- common 3- royal 1- dies within a month.

They live far away from the end city and higher up

They accept all end residents ( unless they been banned or exiled) .

They have access to the overworld

- Kriss

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