You are the music in me (Chapter 17)

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So I did write today!!

Thank you for commenting! I like to know you're actually liking this! :D




We were all on our phones or chatting in the car except for Dan of course who was yawning "want me to drive for a bit Dan?" Lily asked Greg looked confused "he ain't sitting on my lap" he said Lily laughed "that would be great Lily thanks but I'm not sitting on his lap.." Dan said Greg looked relieved.

We decided to switch about so Lily was driving Alexis still riding shotgun and I ended up sitting on MIcky's lap. "I like this seating plan better" he comment hugging me from behind I smiled and went back on my phone "Micky you never tweet it wrecks the fans heads" I said frowning at a tweet I'd gotten from a fan about this.

"I forget it's not my fault" he said "well I'm reminding you now" I said. He sighed and pulled out his phone I smiled and went back to my phone

@Micky_GMD3: @AllyJ_penguin is making me come on you should thank her for this follow spree! x

I poked him in the stomach "thanks my mentions are exploding now" I said replying to a few people who were saying they love me. "at least they like you!" he said smiling. I nodded and again focused on my phone.

I saw one of MIcky's tweets again "Sooo nervous!!" I smiled prefering to tweet rather than say what I was thinking

@AllyJ_penguin: @Micky_GMD3 "If you can dream it you can do it!"

Quoting disney of course! It reminds me of that day in the hospital when we watched Disney movies all day. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

@Micky_GMD3: @AllyJ_penguin quoting Disney are we? You do know you're kind of sitting on me right? Or have you gone mad?

I grinned

@AllyJ_penguin: @Micky_GMD3 "Have I gone mad?" "I'm afraid so you're entirely bonkers but I'll tell you a secret all the best people are"

I felt him laugh and Dan elbowed him "what's so funny?" he asked Micky just shook his head and tweeted back

@Micky_GMD3: @AllyJ_penguin if you can't beat em join em! "If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart I'll be there forever" <3

@AllyJ_penguin: @Micky_GMD3 ahh you're gonna go for the cute ones..alright then! "everyday spent with you is my favourite day so today is my new favourite day" <3

"hey guys you're trending worldwide!" Dan said showing my the trend #MaliceDisneyQuotes was trending worldwide I grinned "Malice?" I asked confused "the fans like to make up names for couples I think ours is Grily" Greg said laughing at how weird it sounds Lily laughed too "Grily? that sounds weird" she said "It's better than Leg" Micky said laughing we all laughed too.

I saw a tweet by Greg a disney quote!

@Greg_GMD3: Can I join in the #MaliceDisneyQuotes ?? They're tweeting each other while sitting right near each other..she's literally on his lap..strange!

I smiled at that "oh have you told the fans about you two yet?" Dan asked I looked at Micky curious "I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with it so no" he said. I nodded "I don't mind!" I said he smiled and went back to his phone.

@Micky_GMD3: So you've all been asking about @AllyJ_penguin and me and yeah we're dating :-) looooooove youuuuuuu Ally!

I smiled and kissed his cheek "love you too" I said he rested his head on my shoulder reading my mentions on my phone. After another half hour of driving and tweeting more disney quotes and replying to fans I got tired of my phone so I put it away and lay back against Micky who was dozing.

I was woken up by Lily shaking me and telling me to wake up I looked at her "we're here" she said looking nervous I climbed out and joined everyone outside a big arena Micky got out after me and looked up at the building. "I don't wanna go in" he said nervously I grabbed his hand and pulled him in after the others ignoring his protests. "you'll be amazing! See you later!" I said quickly kissing his cheek and pushing him over to join the boys talking to the producer.

Alexis, Lily and I waited backstage for them to go on Lily was bouncing up and down nervously "Lil stop you're making me dizzy" Lexi said laughing. "yeah Lil why are you so nervous?" I asked "I don't know..I just really want them to get through!" she said.

A/N I'm just gonna skip the whole audition part you all saw it on youtube or on TV! and if you haven't GO WATCH IT WOMAN!!!

I'm so proud of all of them! They came off stage with giddy looks and happy faces and Lily was bouncing with happiness this time "and you were nervous!!" she said to me like it was crazy I stared at her but she just grinned and turned to hug Greg. I gave them all a huge hug and bounced a bit myself even though it hurt a bit. "bet you're glad you went in there now!" I said to Micky as he jumped about with happiness. He nodded like a woodpecker "that was crazy!" he said.

The excitement and mentalness continued while in the car and it was live so everyone on twitter was going mental too. It eventually died down and we drove home the boys still buzzing "hey Dan can you drop me off at the restaurant? I told Sam I'd do a song there after the audition" I asked "sure" Dan said turning in that direction.

"want me to come with you?" Micky asked I started to climb out "If you want to" I said smiling he quickly got out after me "yep! You're not dancing today are you? You're leg's not better yet" he said I rolled my eyes "no dad I'm not dancing today"

We went into the restaurant and I got straight on stage waving at a few of the regulars Micky stayed out in the audience "hi everyone! Sorry I'm late but I was out at the X Factor auditions where my boyfriend and his band got through to boot camp! So congrats Mick!" I spotted Abbie on the stage glaring at me and Micky grinning.

"So we're going to sing "Stereo soldier" by Little Mix I hope you enjoy!" I said Sam is the drummer for the shows and he starting off playing. I just sat on stage singing because I can't really dance but the other waitresses went into the audience dancing with a spotlight on each of them I watched Abbie go straight over to Micky dancing..not very him. He squirmed about a bit and went red.

I glared at her but there's nothing I could really do about it.. When the song was finished I said bye to the people and went backstage I'm the only one back here because I still have time off work for my broken leg and the other waitresses are all out working.

Micky ran backstage quickly slamming the door behind him he had a slightly scared look on his face "what?" I asked confused "Abbie she just will not give up that girl scares me!" he panted. I grinned "I'm glad to hear you say that!" I said smiling happily he looked at me "you didn't think I actually had any interest in her out there did you? I couldn't take my eyes off of you" he said with a sweet smile. I blushed and giggled a little.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and seemed to be examining my face "what?" I said smiling "somethings been bothering me all day you shouldn't wear make up it messes with your perfection" I stared at him like he was crazy.. What did I do to deserve him? "what did I do to deserve you?" I asked kissing him. "I'm so proud of you for today by the way" I added after pulling away.





Anyway! I'll put stereo soldier in the side!


You are the music in me (district3/GMD3 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now