You are the music in me (Chapter 3)

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Like I said I wrote alot yesturday!

I have about 2 or 3 more chapters written!

I don't think I'll post them now because I have to go to bed but enjoy this one!



I didn't bother waiting for replies I just put my phone on the bed next to me and looked over at the crutches I'd never used crutches before this is going to be horrible. A nurse came in smiling she was really pretty with light brown hair that was dip dyed blonde at the ends and brown eyes she seemed around my age and was really pretty (Lexi (the nurse) will be "played" by Lea Michele) "hi Alyson" she said "Hi you can call me Alice no one calls me Alyson" I said sitting up in bed. "Okay Alice anything I can do for you?" she asked.

"Um yes please can you pass me my crutches please?" I asked she nodded and passed them over to me I slide my arms into them and wobbled a bit a little unsure of how to move one leg being completly useless. The nurse smiled at me "you've never used these before have you?" she asked. "what gave it away?" I laughed. She walked up next to me and held my elbow.

"give it a try if you fall I'm right here" she said I smiled "thank you" I said and awkwardly moved forward on the crutches god this is harder than it looks! We got to the door with no troubles then when it came to turning she had to let me go in the doorway I tried to use my good leg to keep myself stable but I wobbled like crazy then tripped over a crutch. I was ready for a good ole bash off the floor.

But it didn't happen I felt someone catch me I looked up to a pair of big brown eyes and Micky smiled "fast enough for you?" he asked I smiled "just about". We were doing it again, staring at each other I was lost in his eyes when the nurse cleared her throat. He shook his head and set me back on my feet. "um..thanks" I said to him.

"your boyfriend?" the nurse asked "oh no just a friend!" I said she looked at us for a second "hmm would be a cute couple" she said smiling I blushed "um thanks I guess?" I said. She nodded and left. I looked over at the bed "LOOK HOW FAR THAT BED IS!" I shouted Micky laughed and grabbed my arm "c'mon you can do it you're going to have to get used to those sometime"

I sighed and nodded. I went over to the bed wobbling alot and almost falling once but Micky caught me again "thanks...again" I said he smiled. Eventually I made it to the bed. I got settled in and sat up. "I don't know how I'm going to be able to use these things for however long i have to!"

He was already sitting in the chair beside the bed he'd brought a bag with him "what's that?" I asked pointing to it. "I you something" he said with a smile. I stared at him "what? You're already letting me stay in your hotel room you didn't have to!" I said fully ready to not accept it.

He was pulling something out of the bag I looked down and yelped "OH MY GOD MICKY!!" I shouted it was a penguin teddy that said "i'm sorry" on it it was so cute! I remember seeing it in town and freaking out to Lily saying very fast that if anyone ever wanted to apologise to me they could do it that way and I'd forgive them for anything! Lily would always roll her eyes when I said that. I have this thing for penguins..

"when you said you loved penguins yesturday I thought of this I know it doesn't really make up for breaking your leg but it's a start" he said smiling I grabbed it and hugged it "No it totally makes up for it!! This is so cute thank youuu!" I hugged him instead of the penguin this time and he grinned "you're such a child" he teased.

"I'd rather be a child than an old wrinkly grey-haired person" I said grinning. He laughed "awesome so how do you feel about disney movies?" he asked "random but..I LOVE THEM!!"

You are the music in me (district3/GMD3 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now