Emotions are hard (1):

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Tord wasn't one much for comforting people. He never knew the right thing to say or the tone he should use. In a matter of fact, he was usually the one getting people riled up rather then going to there side. Which, was all to ironic because he was in front of the person he's probably caused the most pain for and had a feeling he was about to be roped into being a therapist. 

[C] Tom was sitting on the floor beside his bed in the dark, sobbing quietly. He had that classic stressed look, one hand tangled in his hair the other gripping the shirt at his chest. Tears streaming down his face and a hiccup erupting from him occasionally just to be annoying. He wasn't even aware tord was in his room until he'd opened his eyes and was spooked by the light of the hallway shining in through his open door. He looked back, eyes wide and fresh waves of tears rolling down his pale cheeks. Out of all the people in this house, Tord had to see him like this? Embarrassing. "Dude-..D*hic*Don't you ever knock?" Tom asked before he turned his face away quickly wiping his face with the sleeves of his hoodie, sniffling quietly.

[C] Luckily for Tom, today? Tord wasn't here to be a dick and screw around with Toms things or just come to bother Tom in general. Nah, the bruise Tom gave him on his hip was starting to heal finally from the last time he decided to burst in Toms room and mess things up. Earned him a kick directly to the side. Luckily? Tom had bad aim. Cause Tom was going for the stomach originally. Getting back on track- the only reason tord even came here was to tell tom dinner was ready. Now he was getting pulled into this mess. "Hm-? I called for you twice and you never came downstairs. Now I can see your busy."

[C] "What the hell ever- just get ou-t.." Tom snapped at him rudely, tearing up once more. He really wasn't in a mood to deal with tord. Or eat. Or do anything but lay here and sob into the side of his bed honestly. He took a moment to press his face back into his bed, finding talking hard. While trying to speak the last sentence it broke so quickly at the end that Tom was worried he'd loose his voice all together. Though he did let out a groan when instead of leaving, Tord walked into the room walking over to Toms bed and taking a seat on the edge of it. Tom wasn't watching but he felt the weight of the bed shift and then sound of tord giving a sigh.

[C] "So...what's up? That face is..more depressed looking today then usual. I think I prefer the grumpy one more." Tord said looking down at the other for a moment before looking up at the ceiling. He noticed he was laying on something and when he pulled it out from under him he perked up noticing it was Toms flask. Tom had been drinking? Edd was gonna bitch him out if he found Tom drinking when he was supposed to be off today. Edd had made a rule with Tom that he was only allowed to drink on weekends. Tom must have smuggled the thing and hid it from Edd. Which- again in his case he was just saying- Tom should lock his door. No one in this house knocked. It got them into weird situations but no one ever learns there lesson in this house.

[C] "Oh please- like you care.." Tom said before wiping his face some more. "Just tell me what you came to tell me, then leave.." Toms voice was so much softer then usual. A bit broken, clearly. Toms usual grumpy and fiery spirit just wasn't there today and tord loved that spirit. Depressed Tom? Was zero fun to pick on and fight with.

[C] Tord looked at him humming softly for a moment before speaking up. "Hm...well, you know- just came to say dinners done. But I wouldn't feel quite right leaving you like this. I'm just that great of a guy, you know?" He said with a slight grin. Although, Tom didn't seem to amused by the Norwegians sarcastic comment.

[C] "Tord you make me cry all the time and you nev- wait- ehhhhh.." oops- did Tom just say that out loud? Please tell him tord didn't hear that. Or wasn't listening? Because that was going to be so embarrassing if so. He hated crying. It made him feel so weak. And he knew if tord got even an ounce of power from knowing he made Tom cry he would never hear the end of it. But when he looked back at tord instead of being met with the usual grin- that smug look that made him want to deck the other, he was met with a confused gaze. Not that tord was even staring at him.

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