Emotions are Hard(8): Tords helplesslystupid

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NSFW scenes
Physical violence
slight mention of weed
brief mentions of school shootings.


The bed squeaked loudly, thumping into the wall aggressively creating a sort of white noise for Tord to enjoy other then the sound of the women's moans underneath him, spewing out and filling Tords overwhelming ego. He groaned out, hands on either side of her head, gripping at her pretty long brown hair. He had a thing for brunettes. He was keeping his upper body sturdy as he pounded into her, hearing her voice shake and tremble as she clawed at his back. He kept his eyes closed tight not wanting to actually see the display of what he had under him. While of course she was a beautiful person he just had his thoughts hooked on someone else. The thought of someone else swirling through his mind, the vision of a certain black eyed someone getting much clearer in his mind as he drew closer to his finish. He groaned drawing closer to that feeling of bliss, tilting his head back and moaning. "Fuck—- Fuck, Thomas—...~" He moaned out shakily before he perked up, eyes opening quickly. Uh oh-

His eyes met with hers and it didn't take much to tell she wasn't happy. Not that Tord could blame her- he'd be pretty upset if he'd heard his fuck buddy moan a different name too. "I uh— meant Emma...-" He huffed out. He was met with quite the swift slap to the face, giving a grunt as his head tilting to the side, enduring the stinging pain he felt. This women could slap-! Tord slipped out of her, grunting as he tried to apologize but he only got hit again in the chest. "Ow-! Hey-! Don't fucking hit people!" Tord yelled before he quickly rushed while of course still being hit by the women covered in bed sheets, slipping on his boxers quickly, taking hits to the head.  "Would you quit-! I'm sorry alright I didn't mean too-! It just slipped out!" Tord yelled at her before the hitting turned into pushing. Tord only had time to grab his necklace, hoodie, pants and shoes before he was shoved out of her apartment.

Tord groaned, rubbing his head carefully and glaring at the door. He finished getting dressed quickly so he wasn't charged for public indecency- slipping up his pants and shoes. He hoped the snow wasn't deep- he didn't have socks now. He slipped on his necklace and his hoodie not even bothering to try and apologize to Emma. She was the stubborn type- he seemed to go for those a lot. He groaned and walked over to a trash can, looking around to make sure no one was looking before he opened his pants, slipping off the condom and throwing it in the garbage. Edd and Matt were still at Matt's grandmas helping her around so that meant? No car for Tord. Luckily she only lived a few blocks away from his neighborhood. He sighed and walked out, holding his still stinging cheek. He couldn't believe that just happened. Did he seriously moan Toms name when fucking someone else? That's never happened before! God, he was so ashamed of himself. This wasn't even the first time he's thought about the Brit when doing others. Trashy he knows- but Tom was always stuck in his mind anymore. If he ever found out he would totally die...

He made his long walk in the cold back home, snow indeed getting into his shoes and making the journey all the much more annoying. When he finally got to the house he opened the door to see Tom sitting there looking bored out of his mind and drinking what he could only assume to be hot chocolate because Tom didn't like coffee. He watched Tom look at him only for his eyes to widen. Oh-?

"Oof-! Tord, what the hell happen to you? Your back early. And while I'm sure you are aware, your cheek is bright red! Who'd you piss of this time?" He asked only to get a grumble from Tord as he watched him walk upstairs. Tom set his hot cocoa down and followed along curiously, walking up the steps with Tord as he followed in the bathroom, watching Tord check out the slap mark.

"You never answered me. What did you do?" Tom asked. He only got a side glare from Tord, making him perk up. "Okay jeez— sorry to bother you I was- just asking.." Tom said before he walked out, perking up as the door got slammed shut behind him. Tom huffed and held his startled heart, going back downstairs to go ignore Tord. He was nice to him, he bandaged his hand up for him, they cuddled, and Tord was still a dick to him! Tom tried. He did- but it was hard sometimes. Anyway- Tom sat there, sulking and drinking his chocolatey heaven. He clicked on a show and huffed softly trying to ignore Tord being a dildo. But like- a bad one.

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