Emotions are hard(2): annoyed bonding

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A knock on the door and a cheer could be heard from inside the living room. Toms been waiting for half an hour to get a bite of the best meat lovers pizza in this entire town. Tom hops up off the couch only to have a hand placed on his chest to pull him back. "Hm?"

"Calm yourself, man. Your gonna trip or something. Here. Take the two twenty's and tip the person the five." Tord said with a hum before handing tom his cash.

"Your only tipping a five?" Tom asked before slipping on his hoodie lazily so the wind wouldn't shock him as much when he opened the door.

Tord:  "Its like- a five minute drive to get here. Maybe ten. As all they have to do is drive the pizza down." Tord said before shrugging, slipping his wallet over onto the table. While Tom was on pizza duty tord was on setting up the movie. What were they in the mood to watch though? Horror? Comedy? Romance? Yes. Tord was into romance movies. Would he ever admit that to Tom? Hell no.

Tom slipped an extra five into the tip with his own cash. He knew the drive was short but- he didn't know people were out here trying to make a living. Plus it was cold as hell and Tom would hate to be working out in those conditions. He opened the door, anxiously stumbled over some thank you's and have a good night, before pulling in the food and giving an anxious huff due to that social interaction. He hated people-

"Hmm— what do you feel like watching tonight?" Tord asked while leaning back and spreading his legs out so he could sit comfortably. He looked over at Tom making sure he didn't need help or anything.

Tom sat down beside the other on the couch, setting the boxes on the table before he perked up and pushed tords leg over. "Eh- quit man spreading and taking up all the space." Tom struggled before adjusting himself on the couch.

Tord:  "You only had to ask, mr. attitude." Tord said with a smile leaning over and grabbing a slice out of that box, humming as he looked over it first. "This was a good idea. We haven't ordered pizza in a while."

"You know you also calls me Mr?" Tom asked with a small grin on his face as he leaned back, taking a slice into his own hand. "Your-"

"So help my if you state any of my parents in that joke you will be the next meat topping on the pizza, Thomas." He looked over at the brunette who was honestly trying not to burst out laughing. Tord was going to resist the urge to bring up toms dead father for the night. "No mom or dad jokes. Understood? Tom? Let me hear you say you understand. Tom? Tom!"

"Okay, okay! No sexually charged jokes about your parents, I understand.." Tom mumbled, a smile on his face. He took a bite of the pizza, humming in pure delight.

"Also, you never answered my question from before. What do you want to watch?" Tord asked, making a mental note to leave some slices for Edd and Matt.

"Usually? You know I'd say horror but honestly? I think I need some comedy right now. Hanging with a clown isn't enough— sorry. I'm sorry- I don't even know why I said that, I completely just did it on impulse." Tom said feeling a little bad for calling tord a clown.

"You know who else probably said it wasn't enough? My dad last night when you said were over at his place." Tord said looking at Tom and making eye contact happily. Haha, small dick jokes. What? Toms the one who brang this topic into this.

"Are you saying I have a small dick?" Tom said with a small glare, that grouchy expression that Tord loved so much returning.

"No- but you just did." Tord said with a grin, taking a bite of his pizza and turning his attention back to the tv. He was simply ignoring the man besides him and the little lecture he was currently getting. Wow- tom really did have small dick energy.

Tom: After tom resisted a few urges to hit the norsk and was done yapping at him he huffed and looked away. He just choose to sit there, eat the pizza (that tord paid for), and give tord silent treatment.

"I think I've got it down to two movies? Zombie pirates from hell 3 or Z-P-F-H 7. It's your choice honestly." Tord said waiting for a response. Although he didn't get one. He turned to look at tom. Oh jeez...tom had that look on his face. Don't get him wrong tord loved that face but right now? He needed help making a decision and tom was just being a brat. "Sooo- did you not hear me or are you just giving me silent treatment?"

Tom tilted his head to look at tord and then look away. He took a bite of his pizza before turning away from tord more. Also- of course tord would pick zombie pirates. They've seen that movie a thousand times! He did plan on Continuing this but he felt tord softly grab his arm and it made him peek up a bit so he looked back at the other. "?"

"If your not going to talk to me, I can always just return that pizza, you know?" He said before stealing the slice in Toms hand. To which he watched as Tom sat there surprised and then immediately got up to fight back for his beloved food. At first he stood up on his knees on the couch, raising that pizza as high as he could. He was taller then Tom anyway so if it came from where Tom stood up to get it he didn't mind putting in a bit of extra work to stand up. He loved watching Tom squirm.

He groaned and looked at the norsk. This? Felt like to much work to get a half eaten piece of pizza back. So Tom looked up at tord then the pizza box then back up at tord. "Keep it." Tom said before reaching over to the box. However, he paused when tord quickly grasped his wrist. Jeez-!! Why did he have to be so aggressive with it? Tom bruised easy and he didn't want to have to cover anything up with foundation later just to make it look like he wasn't getting abused in public.

While he didn't mean to grab Toms wrist so harsh, he was trying to beat his hand to the pizza box. Tom was tough, he knew he was going to be fine. Tords hit him way harder. He set the pizza on the table and smiled softly before he just- shifted all his weight on Tom. Which in return caused them both to fall over to the side as Tom screeched.

Tom was just forced down onto the couch all of a sudden because tords a dick. Tom just wanted pizza! That's all he wanted right now- but no. Tord couldn't let that happen, could he? "Get off me, fatass!" Tom groaned as he tried to pull himself out from under the norski.

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