Emotions are Hard(5): Pass it Over

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Warnings: Read at your own risk!
Usage of weed in this chapter!
slight lewd scenes, words and topics.

"I know it's only going to be a week, but I'm going to miss you guys. It's never the same when the four of us aren't together!" The male said as he set down his suitcase by the door. They were going to be out of town for the week due to Matt's grandmother getting sick and she needed some help being taken care of. Matt was just planning on going himself but Edd wanted to go along to pay her a visit since she use to watch the boys when they were younger and he wanted to help. Tom and Tord actually wanted to go too but had to stay to watch Ringo and the house.

"We'll miss you guys. Drive safe okay? And tell her we said were sorry we couldn't come too." Tom said with a small frown. The only reason Tom was happy he wasn't going is because he didn't want to be in a car. After the trauma Tord put him through last week? Hell no!

The brunette cracked open a can full of cola and took a long sip before the group huddled up for quick hugs. "Gotcha. They said the weather looked pretty clear for this week aside from wind. They've got people busting ass by spreading salts on the roads and shoveling. More people applied since they raised the pay." He watched Ringo scurry over and he smiled before picking her up. "Hello, darling. Love you, kitty. I filled up her food and water bowel an hour ago. You guys live with me you know her whole schedule. Make sure she doesn't get outside though, okay? I don't want her getting stuck out there in the snow. Make sure you love her enough while I'm gone or she'll rip up the couch and lash out for attention!"

"Edd, Edd. Calm down, we know how to take care of her. I promise- Tom may be a disappointment but I'm here to make sure she's properly taken care of." Tord smiled and reached down to pet Ringo on the head, earning purrs from the grey furred fellow. We'll most likely be downstairs the whole time watching tv anyway and if not I'll still keep her with me for cuddling." He watched a relaxed expression fall over Edds face. The group said the final goodbyes, hugging each other again as an entire group, then walking out and shutting the door.

"How could you say I'm not responsible when your the one who nearly scraped Edds car?" Tom asked before walking over and setting an offended hand on his hip.

"They've just walked out the door and for the first time Edd doesn't say 'don't destroy the house-!' And you immediately waste it by starting a little argument? I love that. But to answer your question, when you wanna drive on a road of ice and try not to hit a bunny you tell me how the situation was in my control. We- We talked about that! And you said you weren't gonna use it against me if I didn't tell Edd you were gonna sneak some liquor tonight. Though even though you've already broken your end of the deal, I, Thomas, am a man of my word and won't tell Edd." Tords accent was thicker then usual. Tom took notice to it. Of course Tom did. He liked Tords voice.

"Huh—..? Oh! Yeah- sorry! I was drunk when we made that agreement so- guess I forgot. Won't happen again." Tom mumbled before looking down. This was going to be the most boring week ever! Tom sat down on the couch, and irritated expression taking place on his face. "This is is going to be lame, I hope you know. We have like- three board games that can be played with only two people, I'm not going outside because I don't feel like freezing my ass off, The Remote to the tv has dead batteries. There's nothing fun in this house to do but sleep."

And with that, Tord sat up looking over at Tom with a wide grin. "It's funny you give such a long drawn out complaint Thomas, because I think I have the perfect way for us the have a great time his week." He leaned forward and waited to see what Tom would guess and to add for dramatic affect.

"Okay- if you say something sexual or if you make a pervert comment, I'm going to hit you." He said while leaning back away from the other.

"Don't flatter yourself Thomas- no. Alright- If I bring it up you can't tell Edd or Matt about it! I don't want them to be upset I didn't let them have any but what more then the perfect occasion then this? We've got a fridge full of food, alone ti-"

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