Emotions are Hard(7): Redoveloping Feelings

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NSFW concepts
Minor burn injury
Slight mention of weed


He hummed slightly in distress, keeping against Tord for a few more minutes struggling to try and not drift off to sleep. It was hard when The other kept rubbing his hips and making no attempt to get up. But he knew if he waited till the morning to take a shower he was gonna be bitching about how much his hips ached. Okay, fine. They were doing this now. He slowly sat up, patting Tords shoulder. "Alright- I've got to go get in the shower so I don't feel so gross..", He whined lightly at his hips, slipping out of the bed.

Tord grumbled when Tom sat up, a little disappointed by it. He still wanted to be by the other right now. "Wanna save water and take a shower together?" He asked with a small smile. He was starring at Toms ass again and had to quickly avert his eyes when Tom looked back at him. Toms ass was red from their skin continuously smacking together. He smirked, feeling proud of his performance today. He actually really enjoyed himself. More then usual- he never knew Tom would be so intimate during sex. He didn't seem like the type. Although- he guess he was pretty lovey dovey this time as-well. Probably due to the weed? He didn't know but that sex was amazing.  He watched Tom give him a small nod before telling him to follow. Tom was letting him get away with a lot of things today and he was loving it. He went over, humming at some Multiple aches in his hips. He tensed his body way to much- he needed to chill.

He stepped in the bathroom where he watched Tom struggle to do anything without bitching about his ass hurting. He went soft like Tom asked— if Tom was shaking and bitching now he really wanted to see how he'd be after a rough session. Tom probably wouldn't be able to walk at all- be stuck on his bed, a whining mess. Gh—!! Tord was getting way to distracted! He knew they just screwed but could he keep these thoughts out his head for a moment? He walked over to the other. "Are you...sure your okay, Tom? Are you really good to walk? How about instead of a shower we just sit in the bath together?" He walked over, carefully rubbing Toms back. He smiled as the other shivered against him.

"No— that would be disgusting! We're both sweaty and gross, why would be take a bath together? We're going to take a shower. I'll be okay- This isn't even the worst of it- I'll manage. But um..stand close in case I fall. Okay?" He asked before he slipped his socks off and carefully stepped over the bath wall, Tord grabbing his hand to help him in.

He watched as Tord stepped in after, luckily Tom getting to the water first and stealing it. He hummed just standing there silently, mostly giving small hums to keep up for the awkwardness. He ran a hand through his wet hair before he looked up at the other. "Hand me the apple cinnamon soap behind you." Tom said before he hummed.

Tord at first went to to do but suddenly paused realizing that was his soap. He raised an eyebrow and look over at the brunette. "Tom- that's my soap. Do you— use my soap?" Tord asked in a slightly offended tone.

Uh oh— "um...no. I don't...use your soap. I just wanted to use it today- because. I want to." Tom said nervously, pursing his lips.

"You little fucker- you do use my soap! Thomas, you have your own! I was wondering why I always run out so fast, you little thief!" He looked around before he viewed all the soaps. Lavender...that's Matt's. Honeycomb- edds. Axe. He reached over and grabbed Toms literal full bottle of soap. "Tom- Im gonna beat your ass and not in the good way." He watched the other step back and give him and upset look.

"I like the way yours smells though— I'll pay you back, will that make you quit bitching? Im sorry I used your soap you, crybaby. Let me use it today and I won't use it anymore." Tom pointed at Tords soap bottle and it caused the norsk to huff. They stared at each other, both stubborn. Of course not to long after he heard a groan from the norsk before he reached back and grabbed his soap turning back towards Tom with it and grumbling in Norwegian. "Thank you~" Tom cooed before he poured some into his hand, starting to scrub his hair thoroughly, humming before he let it rinse out. After that Tom carefully moved out of the way so Tord could finally get in the water. He shivered and looked up at the other making sure he wasn't looking at him since Tord faced..inward towards the shower head apparently. Odd.. the brunette grabbed the wash cloth scrubbing his body and humming softly.

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